Guilty Or Not?

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I see myself running through the woods struggling to reach my house. As I run harder, my house gets farther and farther away. Am I going crazy? I feel like I am having déjà vu.
The woods go dark around me and I am heaving, trying to get air into my lungs. My head starts aching and my mind feels blank, but I know something has gone wrong. I capture my thoughts before they escape and put the pieces together. I was just running. Running from a sound, the footsteps. Someone was chasing me. I gasp for breath again realizing I can't breathe. My neck is choked by something locked around it.
'Stay with it, come on, don't give up!'
I try to fight but my attempts failed, my scream comes out as a high-pitched whistle from my throat and I know it's almost the end. God please save me, help me get away from what ever is happening!

My eyes open and I am suffocating under what looks to be an arm. I can't turn my head but I start to defend myself before I completely lose my consciousness. I hear a voice, wait not a voice, voices coming closer. I can't understand what they are saying but I know they are going to stop the person hurting me. I feel the weight being lifted off me and that's all I am aware of before my vision completely fades.


Shane's P.O.V

How could I let her walk home by herself! I won't let her do that again, it's all my fault! I grab the hair on my head and pull a bit attempting to knock some sense into me. Calm down, it wasn't your fault. No one knew it would happen. Is she even okay? I can't even go into the room to see her. I hate hospitals' family only rules. I stand and pace back and forth in the waiting room. I hope she is okay. Will she remember me? As far as I know she was knocked pretty badly. I can't believe that he had the nerve to hurt her. All she did was speak up for herself. Jase will not get away with hurting my girl! She's not my girl, I mean, she is my friend. I don't even know what we are. I decide to sit down in the chair and pray to myself. 'God, please let her be okay. I can't live without her around. Please be merciful, she was hurt for defending you. Please grant her a good recovery and continue to work inside of her. Amen.' I sit straight up against the wall behind the chair and breathe deeply till I am completely calm.
Draya's mother walks slowly out of the room and she tells me Draya is doing well. She has a few bruises on her face and her neck is swollen.
"Shane, I know this is hard for you, for all of us but Draya is going to be alright." She pauses. "She'll be out by the morning, okay?" I nod and rub my hands on my face, stand slowly and leave the hospital.
I step into my car and sit there for a few minutes to ask myself some questions. The first question that comes to my head is: do I really like Draya? Why does that not surprise me. She is amazing, she has soft, dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that sparkle when she smiles. I'll admit, I didn't notice her until she collapsed in class before her presentation. I would've too if I felt like an outcast. But she isn't one to me. I've never met a girl with so much guts, she's gone through so much, and she's still fighting like a trooper. She's an example and an inspiration. I am more than happy that she is a child of God now. I remember the different things she said yesterday after she had fainted. 'He'll think I'm crazy then!' 'I don't like him that way!' What was that even about? I think she was thinking out loud. She was nervous, but I'm not her so I wouldn't know. Yet, she flinched when I leaned in and I had never felt more awkward! What is it going to take to get close to this girl?
I lose my train of thoughts and the conclusion sticks in my head like glue.
"I love Draya Jonson."
I manage to mumble those words quietly to myself in my car. I really do, that is my conclusion. But we're just friends, are we not? I have to convince her. She is wonderful. Just to sum it up. I sigh and put the keys into the ignition. I take another big breath and look in the rear view mirror and notice I am 'smiling like an idiot' and I focus on the road ahead of me.

I rush to the Jonson's house before 9:30 am and bang on the door to see if they are home with Draya. Mr. Jonson opens the door and let's me in. I can tell he knows I'm eager to see her. I am thankful also for the people who stopped Jase from killing Draya. I don't even know what all happened except that Jase got arrested. I run up the stairs and her mother tells me to be a bit quieter. I gaze at 'D' who is laying in her bed sleeping soundly. I ask her mother to let me be alone with her for a few minutes and she nods and leaves the room.
I look at Dray just lying in her bed softly sleeping. At least she doesn't snore. I chuckle a bit at my own comment. I brush a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear. She twitches a little and I grab her hand in mine. It's warm, unlike at the hospital when she was recovering from her cancer treatment. I sit farther on the bed still grasping her warm and soft hand. "Thank you Lord for protecting Draya," I whisper and I know that I've been blessed with an amazing friend.
I wish I could tell her how I feel but right now she is the one who just needs someone to be by her. She has light purple bruises by her left eye and one on her cheek. Her neck is only slightly swollen now but it must still hurt to breathe.
"I will take care of you, 'D'." I feel awkward as I talk to myself since she can't hear me. I don't know whether or not I should get her something to eat for when she wakes up or stay by her side.
I think for a moment and I lean in and peck her on the forehead with my lips. She's still warm and I whisper in her ear. "I won't leave you behind."

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