A New Beginning

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I wake to the smell of a magnificent scent flowing through the air around me. I look at the clock which says 8:42 am, and I see a mug of steaming tea beside it. On my other side, I hear soft but heavy breathing and I turn my head slowly and see a woman standing there. I have not seen her for a long time. I stop staring when I notice that my eyes are buldging out of their sockets. Why is she here now? She has never been here for me through the rest of my struggles. She abandoned me, and yet she cares to come now? Even though I am not happy with her, I find the need to smile because I have not seen her for years now.
At first she doesn't say anything, she just looked at me and I could see the hurt in her eyes. Was she disappointed in herself for abandoning me? Was she actually worried? How does she know that I have cancer?
"Drink," she urged. "While it is still warm."
I lay there with my mouth hanging open enough for me to drool. I push myself to a sitting position and groan in pain. I nod at her, then grab the mug with both hands and carefully pull the hot drink to my dry lips. The tea is very sweet, and very delicious. It relaxes my stomach and my throat and I smile at the wonderful feeling. My mom sits down on the edge of my bed. I can see the trouble in her eyes. She is trying to apologize for leaving me all these years, even when I used to go to her house on the weekends, I was still ignored and she looks sorry for that. Has she changed? Before they separated I thought they were fine, she was very loving. I think the separation changed her.
I hear the click of the door opening and closing and a tall man with black messy hair comes in quietly. My dad. He looks shocked when he sees her sitting beside the bed, they haven't spoken in a long time, they haven't even seen each other for a few years.
"Hi dad." I speak but my voice is shaky.
"Hello, Draya." Has my father changed too? Since I was diagnosed he has been more caring towards me. I haven't felt this feeling for a long time, let alone from both of my parents.
"Hello," he also says to my mother.
She nods towards him.
"Mom, Dad," I stutter, "you abandoned me, and you didn't care for me, why?" My voice is almost breaking, but I must continue this conversation, it is important to me and I hope it is to them too.
My mom glances at the brown book with golden engraving on the cover and she turns back to me.
"I never meant to leave you, I meant for you to come more often, but when you didn't come anymore I thought you didn't want anything to do with me because I left." She has tears in her eyes now and she grabs my hand and runs her thumb back and forth on my knuckles. "I'm so sorry, sweetie."
The Bible has changed me, I would never have started crying from this, I would have shut them out like I always have. My dad opens his mouth and pauses for a moment.
"I have ignored you most of your life. I didn't care for you, I thought you wanted to be alone. I'm sorry Dray"
The tears fall one by one down my cheeks and my lips quiver. I have no words, and I never thought this would happen. "Thank you Lord for this amazing moment." I think to myself.
I reach for the book on the table beside my hospital bed. I open up to a passage that Shane showed me and read it out loud to them.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:16-17, ESV)
I look at them and I stare them down carefully, tears running down my red cheeks. They look confused. I only have a few words for them.
"This is the new me." The words leave my mouth confidently. 'I have put on the new self.'
"Draya," they both say together. "Who gave you that book?" My dad finishes.
"Shane gave me it. He gave me hope. God gave me hope. God believes there is hope for you both too." They are still speechless towards me, and I don't blame them.
"Let me teach you, I want both my parents together again. This changed me, Shane changed me, most importantly, God changed me."
I flip to another passage. "Proverbs 10:12 - 'hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.'"
All I can think of to ask them is if they believe what I am reading. If they understand it or at least what I am getting at.
"Sweetie, are you trying to get us together again through God's help?"
"If you would listen, and accept my help and by not pushing away the Holy Spirit working inside you to come to true faith." Shane has taught me many things, but God has taught me more.
My dad looks shocked, but glad and proud all at the same time. "I am willing, Dray."
I smile but don't realize how happy I really am. My mother nods in agreement. She gestures for me to find another passage. "John 13:34-35 - 'A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.'" They look at each other examining one another through their eyes. "We must learn to look at the inside appearance just as God looks at the heart." I say to them, either making them feel awkward or happy. I don't think I've felt this happy before. My parents will give it another chance. They left over some dumb fight many years ago and they need to forgive each other instead of running from it. "Forgive each other, as God forgave you all your sins." My parents are completely touched by the passages I am reading and they realize also that they are true.
"Rest well, Dray, we are going to talk about it." He winks at me and my mother kisses my head and they leave the room together with tears and  small smiles on their faces. I am left alone and decide to get some well deserved sleep before Shane comes. I let my dreams take me away happily.




Read 'Full of Nothing' and 'Recovery' written by @pygmyduck
She has amazing and touching stories!!

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