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I woke up and instantly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and emptied my guy into the toilet. I glanced up at the clock quickly before I threw up more, it read '8:30am' I thought to myself and then it came to me..
Shit. I'm probably pregnant...again.
I sighed and quietly went to mine and Taylor's room and grabbed clothes that consisted of
-Starbucks crop top
-skinny jeans
-Doc Martians
I dawdled myself up and all that stuff and went downstairs and left a note for Taylor and jack.
Please bring jack to your mom's and meet me at Starbucks. It's important.
Blake <3
I grabbed my keys and went to my car and stuck the key in the ignition. I drove to the pharmacy. I walked in and went to the section I needed and brought my items to the register. The cashier, who looked like she was 30, look ed at me like I had 10 heads. "What are you looking at?! I already had a kid at 17 so judge me for that not this. Thanks." I spat and she rung me up and I walked out with my bag. I drove to Starbucks. I ran to the bathroom and took the tests.


I felt a smile form on my face and I through the tests away and walked out. I ordered my drink and ordered one for Taylor and sat at a table. I waited, and as on cue, My sexy, bandana wearing husband walked through the door. I smiled and jumped up and ran up to him and connected our lips. He pulled away smiling. "Babe what's wrong? I came as fast as I could." He asked worried. "Did you drop jack off?" I asked, ignoring his question. "Yes I did! Now answer me. Are you alright?" He basically begged me. I giggled and dragged him to the table. "Why won't you just answer me!" He exclaimed. My smiled dropped and my face fell. "Taylor, I don't understand why you are getting upset! Didn't you see the smile on my face and how happy I was when you got here?! Of course I'm okay! But I'm not now because your yelling at me.!" I yelled. It's okay because were were the only one in the place. "Whatever. I'm done. I've had enough!" He yelled and walked out. Tears formed and started streaming down my face right away. "Taylor wait!" I ran and grabbed his arm and spun him around, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer and connected our lips. He pulled back a second later. I pulled him close so our foreheads were touching.

"Taylor, I'm pregnant."

Why Me?// T.C. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now