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Ding dong
"MAHOGANYYYYYY!!" I screamed and ran down the stairs and swig the door open. "Heyyyy." she said. "Heyyyyyyyy" I mimicked and hugged her. "C'mon we gotta go get ready. You gotta do my, my makeup, you gotta get my outfit.!"
"Just sayin, she's been like this all morning.." I heard Taylor speak behind me. I whipped around and put my fingers on my lips, telling him to be quiet so that I didn't yell at him. ________________
"Are you ready?!" Mahogany exclaimed? I had a blindfold over my eyes while she did my hair. "Yes yes YESSS!" I squealed! She removed the blindfold and spun me in the chair. My jaw dropped. "Oh my god. Mohoganyyy this is amazinggggg!" I squeaked. "Thank youuuu SOO much!"
"Don't mention it." She giggled and winked. "Wait are you coming with us?" I asked
"And there's another surprise..YESSS!" She jumped up and down.
I pulled in my iphone to my ihome dock. 
As I said that I hit play and BUCKWILD by 2virgins came on.




A/N: the song is attached. Go listen to it!!

We both sang in sync. All of the sudden Taylor and Dillon bust through the door. I hit pause and me and Mahogany stop dancing and stand there trying to act cool. "Um..h-hey guys..." I tried but I failed.  "Hey babe." Taylor smirked went to my ihome dock as my eyes followed him. "Ready?"  I smiled and nodded. He hit play and BUCKWILD blared through my room. He ran up to me and took my hands and started dancing. "C'MON BABE DANCE WITH ME!" He yelled. I giggled and started dancing. He took my one hand and spun me around. I looked over and saw Dillon and mahogany dancing. I started DIEING of laughter. I fell on my bed and grabbed my stomach. "Oh my god." I laughed and started crying. "Okay okay I'm good." I said and got up. "Now, LETS GO TO COACHELLAAAAA!" I yelled and jumped on Dillon's back. He groaned. "Why me? Why not Taylor's back?" When he asked that question, my whole world came crashing down. "I-I..yeah I'll just walk.." I said jumping down and rushing out of the room and instead of going downstairs I go to the bathroom. I start pacing around the room, I feel sweat coming down my face, I feel like the walls are closing on me. Oh shit..I'm having a panic attack. I'm scared. I'm scared I'm gonna hurt him. He's gonna leave me. I can feel tears well in my eyes. I grab my hair and pull it. My makeup is running, I'm sobbing like a maniac. My hair is about to be pulled out of my head. All these thoughts and actions are interrupted by Taylor busting through the door. He looks at me and literally grabs me and pulls me toward him smashing my body into his. I sobbed in his chest. He slowly takes my hands down from my head. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Shh..babygirl. I promise you everything is gonna be okay." I looked up at him. "N-no Taylor it's not..I'm scared..I'm scared Taylor..actually no...I'm fucking terrified that I'm gonna hurt you more than i already have. I pushed you off the bed and gave you a busted lip and black eye. I jumped on you and made you smash your head off your head board. What else can I do? I'm so scared out of my mind that I'm gonna hurt you really bad and your gonna leave me. I don-" I was cut off by Taylor's lips on mine. I also felt tears fall which made the kiss, salty tasting. But they weren't my tears...Taylor was crying..why? I pulled back and shook my head. "Baby don't cry." I wiped his tears and pecked his lips. I took one of his hands and laced our fingers together and took my other hand and ran it through his hair. I rested out foreheads together. "I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too."
"Baby please don't cry over me.." I wiped his tears.
"I'm sorry...I-I just don't wanna loose you to some other guy who's better looking.."
My jaw dropped. "Better looking? Taylor Michael Caniff I have had the biggest crushh on you for 4 years. And yes, I have been asked out in those 4 years, but ya know what? I said no because I knew one day I was gonna meet you and I promised myself that I would wait for you,no matter what happens I would wait for you.. And that's what I did. I waited 4 years and now look, I'm dating my dream guy. I love you so much and I'm not letting you go. Okay?" I kissed his nose only to make him smile. "See that's the smile I wanna wake up to. Alright?"
"Alright. I love you so much." He replied and pulled me into a tight hug.

Why Me?// T.C. {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now