Chapter 20

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"Mila.. I know you are angry but please try to calm yourself down." Dinah pleaded. They were sat on Camila's bed. After they came here. The rest of the guys had gone home as Camila needed to just be alone with her best friend right now.

"Why did she have to be so mean?" She groaned frustrated. "I want to hit her so hard in the face. Yeah let's do it!" She stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. "Hey hey! Calm down!" Dinah pulled her back.

"Let's go outside get some fresh air." Dinah suggested. "Because obviously talking about it doesn't help." She noted. She grabbed Camila's arm and walked out the door.

"Where are you girls going?" Sinu asked when they opened the front door. "Oh take a walk." Dinah said as they walked out. Walking toward the park Dinah suddenly noticed the green eyed girl. She was walking with Taylor. This was a good opportunity to talk.

"Lauren!" Dinah shouted grabbing the green eyed girls attention. Her eyes widened when she locked eyes with Camila.

"Omg Dinah no!" The brunette protested. "Let's just walk back." She panicked causing Dinah to chuckle. Too late because Taylor was already walking towards them while Lauren stood there arms crossed. She was very mad at Camila still.

"Hey guys." Taylor said cheery. She noticed her sister didn't came with her. "Lauren's Ehm.."

"It's okay I'm going to her." Dinah said and walked over to the older girl.

"Mila.. You shouldn't have talked to Lauren like that. After all she is older then you and she can date worse she wants." Taylor said softly. She didn't mean it to sound as if she was scolding the girl. She wanted Camila to back off.

"I know. I didn't mean too. But.. I care for her as a sister and I just didn't like the way he touched her.. and then everything else that happened with us those last months just got to me.." Camila did her best to explain. Taylor nodded. "Ofcourse. I understand where you're coming from. Please know that.. Lauren is not in the best place now because of all this." Taylor said. Camila nodded. "I understand. She doesn't like me and I kinda threw myself at her... Also she is not gay and I.. She would never see something in someone like me.." Camila looked to the ground. She as hurt.

Taylor had to fight every thought in her head that wanted to just tell Camila how wrong she was. She wanted to tell the younger girl that her sister had never been so in love with someone before, that she wanted to be with Camila and in fact did see something in her. But she couldn't. So instead she jus said, "Its not your fault. Just try to get over it. Lauren is not really nice about it." She wanted to help Camila get over her sister.

Meanwhile Dinah was talking to Lauren, "Are you okay?" She asked her. Lauren shook her head. "Not really.."
"You hate Mila now?" She asked her. Lauren shook her head. "No ofcourse not! I'm just angry with her because of how she was acting that way to me about Luis and then after that you know.." She trailed off. Dinah nodded.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Dinah offered. "Because I don't feel the need too. It's for the best if her and me don't talk." Lauren said not making eye contact with Dinah. She did look over her shoulder and saw Camila was talking to her sister. "You know, you didn't have to be so harsh to Mila about the fact that you don't like her back." Dinah said a little angry. She liked the dark haired girl a lot. But when it came to Camila and how much her friend had suffered because of this woman, she would do anything to protect her friend.

"Look, sometimes you have to do it that way or else she won't know. I knew she was in love with me a year ago... you go have a fun day with her. Okay?" She asked Dinah softly.

"I don't understand some things.. let me get this straight.." The Polynesian began confused when Lauren still hadn't answered her. "You knew she liked you a year ago.. and still you were so close to her and now you suddenly have a problem with it? Then you quickly change the subject by saying have a nice day?"

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