Chapter 10 - Cindeez nuts (wow that's so old lmao)

Start from the beginning

"Oh..." I felt guilty for making the assumption that there were. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to say it that way."

"It's okay. I want to see your side of Brooklyn, though. I like seeing different cultures. I've heard interesting things about Africans. What tribe are you from?"

My eyes widened at his ignorance. He thinks I'm African? Tribe? "Bruh." I muttered. I totally understand his ignorance, but it's hard to not respond negatively to it. I tried not to make my voice drip with sarcasm.  "I'm not African. I'm Jamaican-American. My parents are from Jamaica, but I was born here. In the United States. In a hospital."

"Jamaica?" he parroted. "Oh, I'm so stupid! It's literally the same thing in Korean! I'm so sorry Len!" I frowned. He didn't know, so he shouldn't apologize. "It's fine."

"It's not fine. Honestly, I thought all black people came from Africa, hence the term African-American. I'm sorry. Do you have any questions for me? I don't want to make this any awkwarder."

"Actually I have a question. What do you think of K-pop?" I heard a hm and waited for his response. "Honestly, I'm not much of a fan. I prefer western music. Westerners think all Korean men dress up in... shiny, plastic-like pants. What are they called?"


"Ah, yes. That. They believe we all dress up in that and walk around with eyeliner. Not all of us can dance and sing." I nodded and felt my lip twitch. "Well, there are a lot of girls in our school who's interested in that."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, you'd be surprised. I'm not going to lie, though. I listen to it sometimes."

"Who do you listen to?"

"Don't laugh, but I used to be a huge DBSK fan before they split up. My friends and I used to sing and dance to their music in elementary and middle school. Even now, we sometimes have sleep overs and listen to K-pop." The line was silent and I bit my bottom lip. I said too much, Yejun must think I'm creepy for all of this. "I cannot believe you like DBSK. Everyone know Shinhwa is better." My eyes widened at his response. "You take that back. You take that back this instant, you bastard!"

After we finished talking about K-pop, I heard Yejun let out a loud yawn. "Wow, am I that boring?" I asked. "No. You try teaching junior classes trig, you guys Taekwondo and then go to your dojang afterwards."

I felt bad. Damn. "It's fine Len! I'm just a little tired." I wanted to stay on the phone with him, but that would be way too selfish. "Hey, I'm going to go take a shower. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"That would be nice. I hope you have a nice shower. Don't feel lonely in there, unless you would like some company?" I felt my face get hot and bit my bottom lip. "Good night Yejun." he responded with a laugh, then telling me sweet dreams.


I woke up with to alarm going off. I tapped my phone and set it to snooze. I snuggled back into my sheets and yawned. As soon as I closed my eyes, my alarm went off again. I felt like throwing my phone across the room, does it not know I'm trying to sleep? I got up from bed and noticed I felt good. I never slept that well since Dad was still home.

Slapping myself, I realized I didn't call Dad yesterday. I dialed his number and smiled when he picked up. Although he sounded tired, Dad's used to getting up around this time. "Hey Dad!" I chirped, "I'm sorry for not calling you last night. How are you?"

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