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Chanel ;

I pulled up to the building with the big fancy letters that read "Teen Vogue" in burgundy, I rolled my eyes as I took a step out of my Audi, my aviator Ray Bans glued to my face, locking the car, I walked with by face held high, and acting as everything was fine.

I love my job, I do, but it just gets too much, having to pretend you're something you aren't, at first it was fine, but problems in my life started arising and that's when I realized how fake I seemed to act,  my everyday life started to change, and that's what I hated, pretending to be a girl I wasn't. If I was to be a model, I still wanted to be me, wanted to stay grounded, but I started faking who I was in the real world, that's when I knew this got way over my head and I needed to stabilize myself.

One teenage girl could only take so much, it was hard, it must sound amazing being a model at such a young age and being in high top merchandises, and it was great, everything starts out great, but ends up crashing and destroying.

I always wanted to be a model, I became a model, I thought I would finally have it all but my problems were still there, my problems just kept enlarging and more were being placed.

My black 3 inch heels hit against the pavement and I made sure to push my sunglasses up more, a middle age man was by the door of the entrance and he held it open as I let out a low "thank you" and added a small insincere smile, who are we kidding, this is his job, he has to do it, so I'm not any different, he opens doors for everyone, why shall I thank him for doing his job, just saying.

I checked in with a brunette with a low bun on her head and prescription glasses at the end of her nose, "yes hello, may I assist you" she smiled, no need for that smile, I know it's fake, I mentally said, "yes I have a photoshoot at noon" I leaned my arm against the desk, slightly.

The lady nodded, "last name?" She questioned, opening up something on her computer, "Grande" I replied, emotionless.

"Ah yes, Miss Grande, you'll be up in level 2, you'll find your way once up there, good luck" she smiled, "yeah, thank you" I smiled, I faked my appreciation so many times a day, I lost count, I knew that people put fake smiles, because I do the same, I roll my eyes at them, yet I do the same, ironic, you could say.

My brown eyes were still covered by my sunglasses, once stepping on the elevator, I peeled them off and placed them in my Gucci bag. I heard the ding and quickly walked out.

"Ah Chanel" I turned back to see Flavio, dark haired, short man, aka my manager, "Flavio, good to see you" I walked over to him and embraced him. "Alright, let's get started" he clapped his hands and linked them, "right to business, of course" I walked over and put my belongings down.

"Hello miss" I heard from beside me as I put my bag down at a nearby chair, "oh hello" I looked at the blonde speaking to me, "your wardrobe is right over here" she signaled, holding a black clipboard close to her chest, "alright thank you" I smiled lightly with my teeth.

I was instantly rushed to the rack of summer clothes, it was time to photograph for summer, since at the moment it was spring, we had to prepare a season before. Ladies were grabbing different items from the rack and put them together to form an outfit, finally agreeing, they gave me a brown hat, a floral dress, and a small jacket to place on top.

I held the clothes in my hands as I went to the makeup station, the lady there thought it was great if it was just natural looking makeup and I agreed.

Today's photo shoot was supposed to be held outside in a wonderful garden, but because of weather, props were brought into the building to look like an actual garden.

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