Chapter 8: The Terminator is free

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..New York Police Department...Furniture storage...

...August 2nd, 2015...3:50 PM...

Esposito stares at the statuefied T-1000 drinking coffee. Something did not fit about the story explained by Gates for Beckett and Castle. The steam of the coffee floats towards T-1000. This guy killed an officer and attempted to kill Castle, Esposito thought. How a being like T-1000 survived being sent back in time is beyond Esposito. The heat of the coffee began working on the statuefied T-1000. Esposito goes to the side of the room and turns up the heat feeling pretty cold.

T-1000's hands drip, drip, and drip.

"Ah," Esposito said. "Much better."

Esposito takes a sip of the coffee cup.

T-1000's cemented fingers begin bending slowly.

"So glad you are not coming to life anytime soon," Esposito said, turning away.

Red glows emit from T-1000's eyes.

T-1000 breaks free of his prison.

"I am free," T-1000 said.

Esposito drops his coffee cup then turns towards T-1000 taking out his gun. T-1000 picks up Esposito by the neck. Esposito presses the trigger making small holes in T-1000's torso. T-1000 tosses Esposito through the wall where he lands in an ongoing interrogation Beckett and Castle is in. There is a young man with pretty blonde curly hair, rosy red lips, and pretty rich attire including a unique wooden necklace.

"Esposito?" Beckett said as Esposito gets up getting breath.

They were right in the middle of cracking a case.

"Okay, I did it!" The woman said. "Langdon loved hunting more than he loved me."

"The Terminator is awake," Esposito said.

Castle grabs Beckett by the hand seeing T-1000 coming towards.

"We better go," Castle said.

"Don't leave town, Miss Misty," Beckett said.

Esposito shot at the T-1000 where bullets embedded themselves into the Terminator's torso. Miss Misty darts out of the room frantic by what should not be real. Beckett and Castle make their way out of interrogation. The couple zips in the precinct at least scaring Ryan at the same time hurrying past his desk. Ryan looks towards the left.

"Hey Beckett, Castle," Ryan shouts. "What is up?"

But the next Ryan heard are bullets firing.

Ryan turns towards the right to see Esposito running from the interrogation room and behind him a man absorbing in the bullets all making gray circular holes. Fear overcame Ryan so he ran for his life. Ryan has a wife and son back home who need him. Why would he want to stick around? Gates gets out of her office to see what is going on in her precinct. She froze seeing a face that seemingly should be dead. That reaction quickly fades away on her face. Gates takes out her gun.

"Freeze!" Gates demands.

T-1000 stares at Gates still walking.

"No," T-1000 said.

Gates shot at T-1000.

The bullet lands into T-1000's shoulder and there it is absorbed into his body. She gasps lowering her gun watching T-1000 stride past acting as if nothing harmed him. Boy did she hope that Castle did not become the victim of T-1000. Guns cannot kill this seemingly impossible metal figure.

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