Chapter 5

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Laxus walked in the palace and he saw Lucy, who was frowning at him. "Laxus, who cares if she's a servant? If you love her, it shouldn't matter." Lucy said after he told her what happened. "Lucy, she doesn't really love me. She only wanted my money." He sighed depressed. "You don't know that Brother. I think you let your thoughts get to you, and now you broke a heart. It doesn't seem in her personality" She said walking away.


Laxus stood there thinking about what his little sister had said. It wasn't in her personality, no. It wasn't. He did ruin any possible chance with her.


Laxus was walking in Magnolia, (It is more medieval than the actual thing) thinking to himself about what he had done. He shouldn't have said what he did, and he shouldn't have cared.


He saw Evergreen on the ground and it started to rain. What he didn't expect was that Mira walked over to her holding an umbrella and covering her. She crouched down and her lips moved as she spoke.


Mira was walking home after work, she had to take a walk after dinner, and she saw Evergreen on the ground. She walked over to the brunette, and covered her from the rain that was falling. She crouched down beside the girl and Evergreen looked at her. She was drenched and her makeup was running down her face. She was shocked to see Mira. "Hello Madame." She said and Evergreen had tears falling from her face.

"Mirajane, what are you doing?" She asked as Mira looked at her arms. "What happened Madame?" She asked and Evergreen looked at the floor. "Oh." Mira said. There were some criminals that were hurting nobles here and there. "Come with me Madame." Mira said and Evergreen was confused, but got up following Mira.

Mira brought Evergreen to her home, and Evergreen looked around shocked. Mira opened the door and Evergreen stepped into the small home. Mira sat Evergreen in the kitchen chair and got some bandages and disinfectant. She wrapped Evergreen's arms where she had some cuts.

Evergreen was quite shocked to see Mira, help HER.

After she had finished wrapping the brunette's arms, Lisanna came out of her room. "Mira...?" She gasped as she saw the woman sitting on the chair. She froze on the spot and Elfman also came out, and he froze as well. Evergreen just sniffed. Mira looked at her little siblings. She smiled at them, only her expression told them to be nice. "U-Um..." Lisanna cleared her throat. "What ever happened to you my lady?" She asked and when the woman turned, she almost gasped. Her makeup was ruined, her glasses were broken, and her clothes were muddy. Lisanna almost felt bad for the woman.


She knew right away what happened. She smiled and helped Mira treat Evergreen's wounds. Elfman just returned to his bedroom to rest.


Laxus stood there shocked as he saw the girl he loves, a servant, help her mistress who was never kind to her, and hurts her... And yet, the white haired woman helped her.

He knew that he had made a mistake, and he wished that he had the courage to go up to her and apologize. But she would never accept it. If his sister was right, he broke her heart, and his heart ached as he thought about it. He shook his head of the thoughts and continued walking through the town with his hands in his pockets.

"Mirajane, I'm sorry." He whispered as his bangs covered his bangs, he grits his teeth and he clenched his fists.


He hated himself for letting her go. "I'm going to see her tomorrow, I'm going to apologize." He vowed and he could only hope she would forgive him.

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