Shocked, Althea said, "Wha-- No! No. Nothing happened." She took a deep breath. "She was Jade." She looked up and saw Riza's eyes getting big and her mouth opened in shock.

No one spoke for a long time. Althea was waiting for Riza to speak first. But Riza couldn't believe what she just heard. She have known Jade from Althea's stories. She knows how Althea loved her and how their relationship ended. And what a funny way for them to see each other again. Now, that explains why since last night, Althea wants to talk to her about something.

"Was she the same person you told me about when i asked you, 'Have you ever loved someone so much?'


"There was this one person that i have loved and fought for.. But her fears pushed me away." Althea drank her wine, "But even though I was pushed away, she will always be my one great love. She was my second and I was her first. And i will never forget all the happy times i had shared with her."

Althea was at loss for words. She was unable to answer but her silence already answered for her.

Riza then asked, "Now that you have seen her again... Uhmm.... Do you still love her? Are you going to pursue her again?" She searched Althea's eyes and was pained when Althea looked down and did not answer immediately.

"No. Hon, no." Althea said shaking her head. "I no longer love her and it's been a long time already. I hardly know her anymore." She took Riza's hands and kissed them.

"O-kay.. but are you ok? You seemed..."

"Yeah -- well not really. It's uh, i just didn't expect that i will see her again. Well, i know that at some point we will meet again but i didn't know that it will happen this soon... I was shocked and i don't know.." She put Riza's hands on her heart, "Hon, i'm sorry about this. I just want to be honest wih you because i respect you." She moved forward and hold Riza's face with her hands. She looked at her and said, "I love you..."

Jade's POV

Jade was picked up by Anne who noticed that her sister just came from crying. At the parking lot, she looked at Jade and silently asked if she's ok. Jade broke down while telling Anne what happened. "She was still hurt, Anne. I can feel it. And it hurts so much to hear her say that she no longer knows me and i no longer matter to her." She sobbed. "She was my biggest regret and i will forever blame myself for pushing her away. I wish i could undo everything." Feeling sad for her sister, she hugged her and cried with her.

After a while, Jade composed herself and asked her sister to drive home.

At home, she was greeted by her Dad. Her mom went out to buy some groceries for her birthday.

Her dad seemed to notice that there was something wrong. "Baby, what's wrong? You seem upset. Are you okay?"

"I'm ok, Dad.. Just feeling sentimental 'cause it's my birthday." She joked.

"Hija, don't lie to your old man.. look, i can see your nose getting longer.." he joked back.

"Dad..." She looked at her dad and laughed a little then suddenly, her eyes swelled up with tears.

Her dad hugged her and just let her cry. When she calmed down, she told him that she saw Althea and that after all these years, she still felt guilty for pushing her away.

Her dad held her chin and made her look at him, "Do you still love her? Is she the reason why up to now you're still not married?" Her dad asked gently.

Jade nodded her head.

Her mom suddenly came in and saw Jade crying. She asked why she was crying and all Jade can do was to look at her father for help.

Her dad steered her mom in to the kitchen and tried to explain everything to her.

At the sala, Anne hugged her when they both heard her mom screamed angrily. Her mom who was so mad, rushed to her and slapped her. Her dad tried to control her mom while Anne hugged her and moved her out of her mom's reach.

"You! Why?! Why are you doing this to me? I thought you changed?"

Crying, Jade answered. "Mom, i'm sorry. I thought so, too. But i can't! I tried but i'm still like this. I gave myself the chance to love men, but my heart says otherwise."

"No! You didn't try harder--"

"Mom! I followed what you want. I tried to change. All these years i have been battling with my feelings, my emotions, wih myself. Because you told me that what i had with Althea was wrong. And i believed you. But as i grew older, i realized that i am just a person who unfortunately loved another girl. And you know what? I've been with men, but no one will ever compare to my Al--"

Her mom slapped her again.

While holding her cheeks, Jade said coldly "I have given her up because of you. I gave up my happiness because you're my mother. I have thrown away eleven years of my life in exchange of your beliefs. But now, i'm ready to fight for who i am and what i believed in. I can't force you, mom but all i'm asking from you is respect."

Jade picked up her bag and keys and went out...

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