6. To Love a Fallen Angel

Começar do início

"Brilliant idea Emi! But where will I find a babysitter?"

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm not a baby! How does that make any sense?!"

"Alright then! The NEET shall have a teensitter!"

"That sounds really dumb you know."

Just then, the employee from before went over to the table.

"Ok guys. Teensitter, babysitter, whatever! We just need someone to watch over him. Emi, how about you?" The employee asked.

"Me?! I can't watch over that NEET! I have work to do!" She yelled.

"Oh well, we'll think of something after I finish work." The employee suggested.

You smirked. "Perfect." You whispered.

(Le Time Skip)

*knock* *knock* *knock*

The door opened, revealing the employee from before wearing a t-shirt and shorts. "Hey, aren't you that girl I saw at MgRonalds?"

"Um yeah. I'm Y/n L/n I overheard you needed a teensitter or something, so I thought I might be up for the job." You said.

"Hmm." Maou thought. "How much do you want for the job?" He asked.

You thought for a bit. 'Well, I don't really need money since I already have some. I better make this cheep so I'll get the job.'

"Um... 5 dollars a day?" You asked.

Maou smiled widely. "You got the job!"

"Sire, who's at the door?"

"Our gateway to freedom!" He yelled.

The light blonde from earlier came over in an apron. "Hey, aren't you the young lady who was laughing at us the other day?"

"Ashiya, this is Y/n L/n. She's here to watch over Urushihara. Plus we only need to pay her 5 dollars a day!" He yelled happily.

"Really Sire? That's great!" Ashiya yelled.

"So, when do I start?" You asked.

"Right now. Hold on, let me get ready for work."

(Le Time Skip)
Day 1

As soon as Maou and Ashiya left, you looked over at Urushihara who was playing on his PC.

"So, your Urushihara?" You asked.

The 18 year old turned around and looked at you, wide eyed. "Your the girl from MgRonalds." He said. "I never thought you would want to have a job looking after me." He said.

You blushed. "Well... I wanted to try something new. Besides, your kinda cute." You blushed again , realizing what you said.

Urushihara smirked. "You-"

"Shut up! I didn't say anything!" You yelled, looking to the floor.

"Whatever." He said, looking back to his PC.

Urushihara x Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora