Chapter 7

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(Photo above was made by OceanSorrowSong. Her Instagram is OceanSorrowSong (duh!) I asked her to make a Tamaki Suoh pic and this is what she drew. She water colored it and I honestly think it's fantastic! Thanks girl!)

-1 week later:/// it's gonna be a Monday.

I wake up in between my brothers who were hugging me. I just fell back asleep but not to long after Hikaru bounced up and made me and Kaoru fall off.

I landed in Kaoru's arms as we made a thud to the floor.

"What was that for Hikaru?" Kaoru and I asked.

"We have somewhere to be!" He exclaims hopping around the room.

"Where do we have to go, Hikaru?" I ask as I lean back into Kaoru's chest trying to go back to sleep.

"I sorta forgot to tell you all but uh... We are all going to the beach for the week with the club and.... So yeah." He says as my eyes widen.

I hop off Kaoru and run and grab a suitcase.

"Hikaru! I'm a female! There gonna see me in a swim suit!" I exclaim as Kaoru runs to his suitcase.

"I got it Emiko. Moms a fashion designer for bathing suits. We got you a male swim suit bottom and a guy swim suit top. No offense sis but your flat as a board." He says to me as I go red.

"It's gonna be fine, Emiko. Hey good news is we miss school for a week due to 'school activities'." Kaoru says stuffing his suitcase.

"Wait, we could've just gotten someone to pack our suitcases." Hikaru says dropping clothes.

"Oops." They say as I roll my eyes and continue to pack. I'm not gonna be a rich brat like them.

"Guys, just pack like a normal person. Don't be a rich boy." I say as I zip up my suitcase with the boy swim suit inside.

"Ugh." They say as I watch them throw random crap inside. Okay then.

We hear a knock on the door as we see three maids come inside.

"Breakfast is on the table. Let us help you dress." They say.

My brothers nod as I'm just there like ewwww.

My brothers are taken to a different room as I'm taken to the other.

It's a huge room with a shower and many other things only rich people would probably have inside.

They strip me even with me protesting as they just ignore and put me in the shower. They start to wash me as I squeal when they touch somewhere normally you don't want touched.

"Don't touch me there!"

"What the heck?"

"Don't do that!"

Was probably all I said during that period of time I'm the shower.

I grumbled as they started to dry me which was extremely awkward! They started blow drying my short hair and combing it.

They put me in some khaki shorts, sandals, and a green tank.

I was honestly as red as a tomato when they started rubbing moisturizer everywhere. They even BRUSHED MY TEETH!!

"We are done mistress." They say to me as I just nod and wave then off as they disappear.

I walk out of the room and walk down stairs seeing Hikaru and Kaoru eating there cereal.

"Why are you- so red?" They ask.

I look down probably going redder.

"Ah you just probably aren't used to that- are you?" They ask.

"No. I don't like that." I say as they just chuckle.

I sit down as I start to eat my breakfast.

We all finish up as we stand up and start to walk to the lounge. We start talking and planning them reminding me 'don't tell anyone' 'tell us it they find out' and all that jazz.

Then a butler walks in.

"Masters, there appears to be a little boy at the door. He has asked for you to meet him outside." He says as we look at him strange.

"Also he told me to tell you he has brought strawberry cake for on the road." He adds.

Ah, Honey-Senpai.

We stand up as Hikaru informs the butler of our absence as he nods and walks off. We start to walk to the front door.

"HIKARU! KAORU! EMIKO! I BROUGHT CAKE!" Honey exclaims hopping up and down waving at us as we close the door.

We laugh as we start to walk to the large limo waiting for us. The driver puts our suitcases in the back as we enter the huge vehicle.

"Triplets! How have you all slept?" Tamaki asks immediately hopping up and down like a small puppy.

"Fine." We say as we sit there as we watch Mori sit Honey next to him.

The car starts as Tamaki starts to tell us all the fabulous activities that would be happening.

The car stops as we look out our side of the window and see Haruhi walking on the sidewalk.

"Triplets! Get Haruhi! We packed her a bag with many cute items!" Tamaki orders but immediately goes heart eyed at the thought of her in a dress.

We hop out the door and well basically kidnap Haruhi.

"What's the big deal? Let me go!" She exclaims.

We put her in the limo as she fumes and shouts.

"HARUHI! DADDYS PLANNED A VACATION FOR ALL OF US! WE PACKED CUTE CLOTHES AND EVERYTHING!" He starts saying as he squeezes Haruhi in a tight hug.

"Never in hell, Senpai would I ever wear clothes you got me." She says with a frown as Tamaki goes white as a sheet and cries curling up into a ball.

This should be the weirdest car ride ever.


GUYS IM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT UPDATES! I know I'm skipping around episodes but just to let you know I'm gonna be skipping around or changing things up! Anyway here is my excuse for a short update!

I am having a severe abdominal migraine and it doesn't look good. I just went to the doctors office yesterday because it started on Monday and still hasn't stopped. If u don't know what it is it's basically really painful stomach aches.

They usually stop around three days but this one didn't. I'm okay not gonna die  but it does hurt and throwing up medicine intended on helping me is not good. Anyway sorry for shoving my life in your face I'm just in a really bad situation! And school starts August 13 for me so I better get better before than!

Again sorry for lack of updates! I will try and update as soon as I can!

Love you guys!



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