Things That Piss YOU Off

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Yes, I made dis chapter "Things about me that pisses you guys off" meheheheh

When I prank you guys, sometimes I let it go too far, basically I HAVE NO MERCY

Yep I literally have no mercy when it comes to pranks

If I prank you, you'll become the following:

Crying your eyes out bc you think I died or something for example


PISSED AF HARDCORE BRO BC U RLLY THOUGHT THE PRANK WAS REAL AND U BELIEVED IT AND U CRIED AND lmao im sorry ily I'm not actually leaving guys yes please be mad at me and make it official: Be Pissed At Silver Day tomorrow

I love you guys

I know my prank is not funny at all

Especially for Avis

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for making you cry

I totally get it if you get pissed at me for a month or something

I get it if you hate me now but just know that I love u guys

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