Would You?

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*Feliciano's POV

"YES! Now I have a warrior", I got so happy when Luddy told me that he would join, after the sad (yet nice)moment we had, it was great to know that now I could finish casting the actors in the play we were going to begin.

On Monday after school I was so excited that I literally grabbed Luddy by the hand and pulled him all the way to Drama club. When our hands seperated, His face was all flushed, I just thought it was because we practically ran all the way to the theater, and he was tired.

Feliciano: Everybody I want you to welcome our newcomer Ludwig!

They all said hi, but the girls were checking him out, I didn't like that for some reason, and tried to block their view.

Feliciano: He will be the warrior leader in our play.

They all just shrugged it off, and some got mad because they wanted that spot, but who cares Luddy was a way better actor than most of them. Then he tapped my shoulder.

Ludwig: Um so what is this play about? And what does my character do?

Feliciano: ...This play is about love problems between the king, the queen, and the warrior leader. Basically the queen falls in love with the warrior (you), when he gets named the leader of the army. However he has his eyes set on the king (me).

Ludwig: wait, so my character is gay?

Feliciano: As gay as can be.

Luwig: Does the king fall in love with him too?

Feliciano: Unfortunately for the warrior, he doesn't, he just ends up killing you both. But you will have a kissing scene with both the queen and me. Would you be up to it?

Ludwig:..... I guess, if its only acting.

Feliciano: Great, now..Natasha get over here and meet your costar!

Natasha came over and eyed Luddy from head to toe.

Feliciano: well you two get comfortable with eachother, while I go pass out the scripts.

I was almost done passing them out, when I stopped mid in my tracks over to Luddy and Nat, she was all over him, putting her hand on his chest and laughing. I felt mad at her, So I marched right over there and got inbetween them.

Feliciano: Here are your scripts guys, Nat how about you go check the stage lights?

Nat: But don't we check those when it's closer to the actual show?

Feliciano: Theres no harm in checking them now so go.

She left with an attitude, muwahaha.

*Ludwig's POV

Natasha was a beautiful young girl, but she just didnt appeal to me much. I was kinda getting uncomfortable with all the touching and flirting I was receiving from her, thank god Feli went to go hand us our scripts and sent her away.

Ludwig: hey Feli, I was wondering, are we still going to run lines on Saturdays?

Feliciano: Sure, why not? So your place like always?

I didnt want it to be at my house, now that my mom had gotten herself a third job, she was literally never there, and my place just felt so empty.

Ludwig: Um no, would you go to the park with me instead, we could run lines there.

I dont know why he looked so shocked, it's not like I asked him out on a date, I just don't want to be home. But after a few seconds he said yes, and I felt releived that I was going to get some fresh air on the weekend.

A/N I tried making this scene cute, I love the head cannon where Feli gets into total bitch mode when girls flirt with his man. XD

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