My Only Outlet

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*Ludwig POV

My parents had a collection of plays in the house, when i was little we would always act them out as a family. Back then we were so happy, all i saw were smiles, my brother Gilbert and I would sometimes act out the plays for our parents.

*flashback* (A/N- im just making up play lines)

Gil: why hath you gone to thy woods fair man? WHY DO I HAVE TO PLAY THE CHICK?!

Lud: WE ARE DOING THIS FOR MOM AND DAD SO JUST DO IT! .... *cough* Because my fair lady, in order to have your hand in marriage i must first slay thy dragon"

Their parents smiled, and laughed at Gil's comment, then later joined in as the king and queen.
*end of flashback*

But that was such a long time ago, years later my parents just didnt get along anymore and had an ugly divorce, i still dont know why when they seemed so happy at those times. My brother chose to stay with my father while i chose to move to california with my mother.

Now im here, 17 years old starting off my senior year in a new state, in a new school, with a new life. At least i can still pick up a play and poor my feelings out through the words.

But nobody needs to know, im a strong muscular macho man, what would they say if they saw me reciting Mcbeth in a corner,....... my only outlet, and it must remain a secret.

You're  My Whole StageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang