Don't Get Trapped In

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*Lud's POV

It has been three days of non- stop annoyance from Feliciano. He wants me to join the drama club, I failed miserably trying to do bad on purpose. I got trapped in the scene and ended up doing the best that I could.
Right after the improv at lunch, he hugged me then said, "That was soooo good, you really have a talent for this, I want you to join Pleasssse" He had on the biggest smile in the world. And his tone was so pleasant. Now I knew why people fell for it at first, but I was already aware that this was not his true form, and I was not about to let myself be trapped.

I kept saying no to every kind comment he tried in order to persuade me into his club. It's not that I didn't want to join, because in all honesty, it felt good to act. Eventhough I didn't want to be picked that lunch, i'm glad I was because being on stage never felt so good. However, people will make fun, and there is no need to put myself in a position of ridicule.

Now it was almost the end of the third day, when this boy started taking it to far.

Feli: Oh come on, what do I have to do, what will it take for you to join? The school day is almost over!

Me: I know, thank god.... Listen, for the millionth time I AM NOT JOINING!

*School bell rings*

Feli: I know, I will follow you home, I can be very persistent when I want something.

Lud: you are more like a pest!... Wait WHAT?! You can't just invite yourself over to my house.

But he wouldnt listen, I didn't speak to him the whole way home. I doubt he would have let me open my mouth, because he was chattering away about the many reasons I should act.

When I got to the apartment building that I lived in, I was sure he would leave. I mean, who would actually follow someone into their home?

Feli: This is such a cute little apartment you have here!

How did he end up getting in?

Me: I really do not want to use force, so please leave. I dont even know why you keep persisting me.

Feli: Because silly, You are a very handsome guy who can act *he walked over to me, placing a finger on my chest* I want you to be in my club.

He said the last part with a smug smile, revealing some of his true nature... But why did my heart skip a beat, probably because this guy doesn't know about personal space.

Immediately he realized he wasnt being bright and peppy, and he backed away from me then sat on the couch, and turned on the TV.

Feli: Oh look Romeo and Juliet is on, come on, we can act out some of it, and im sure I can convince you at one point.

I really don't want to get trapped in this...... So why am I obeying him right now?

A/N hehe, theres not much to say other than Im really glad you guys are enjoying this story. :D

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