Chapter 8- Five Guys?

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'Let me get this straight,' I wrote. 'You four are in a band called Area 11. Who works with the Yogscast, which is a group of Youtubers who do videos on games for a living.' I showed them the board.

"Are we too weird for you now?" Kogie asked. I shook my head. 'You're too weird for this planet.' I wrote. Tom laughed.

"We know." he said. I nodded. 'Good.' I wrote. I looked around the room some more, finding a piano buried under music sheets and various other things, such as pizza boxes. I sat down on the bench and watched Tom and the others mess around with instruments and recording equipment. Leo kept glancing over at me, though. Then I remembered that he knew. He knew I could use my voice. Well, sort of. He knew I could sing. So he was probably wondering why I wouldn't speak. But he doesn't understand. I was bored, so I started playing random tunes from all the songs that I remembered. Tom drifted over and watched me play.

"Where's your music sheet?" he asked as I continued to play pieces of Beethoven mixed with more modern music. I shook my head.

"You play from memory?" he asked. I nodded. He 'hmm'ed.

"Do you take music classes?" he asked. Leo dropped something. Tom turned.

"Leo, this room is expensive! Don't break stuff!" he shouted with a laugh. He turned back to me.

"What do you know?" he asked. I reached over behind him and pulled a folded up music sheet from his pocket. 'Is this piano?' I wrote on my board, scanning the notes.

"Yeah, why?" he asked. I handed him the sheet and started playing. I guess the rest of the band recognized the song I was playing as they stopped moving stuff and paid attention. Tom watched with great interest as my fingers flew over the keys. When I was done, he looked down at the page, then back at me.

"You just played Override perfectly. Without looking at it." he said, amazed. I shrugged. 'I'm too pro for you.' I wrote, standing up. 'I want food.' Tom nodded, whipping his gaze towards the door. He tiptoed over to it, being watched by all of us. This guy was crazy. And I'd been adopted by him. Lovely. He gripped the doorknob and yanked the door open, stepping back as half of the Yogscast fell in.

"Lewis...why are you here?" Tom asked patiently. A guy with black hair rolled off of the pile of people.

"Hi, Sparkles*." Lewis said with a wave.

"Hi. Why are all of you guys here?" Tom asked again.

"We were going to Five Guys and we were wondering if you guys wanted to come along." Hannah yelled from underneath Kim and Sjin. Kim looked at Sjin and pushed him off the pile. Sjin rolled onto the floor and hit his head on the wall, laughing.

"Ow." he whined with a grin.

"Idiot." Kim snorted.

"Guys, we're going to Five Guys!" Tom shouted over his shoulder.

"Nooooo! I don't wannaaa!" Parv whined.

"Kogie, Leo?" Tom asked, shifting his gaze. "Kogie doesn't wanna go!" Leo said with some amount of effort. I peeked around Tom in time to see Leo covering Kogie's mouth and tackling him to the floor.

"Can you lovebirds at least wait until we're gone to show your affection for each other?" Tom asked, smirking. Everyone watched with bored expressions. Lewis checked his watch several times.

"Sorry, no can do! But I can come with you, right?" Leo asked, whacking Kogie on the cheek when he tried to protest.

"I-Yeah...." Tom said finally, huffing with annoyance and amusement. I suspected the annoyed bit was an act. Kogie pushed Leo off of him and Leo bolted for the door. Tom turned to Lewis, grinning.

"We're ready." he announced.

"Idiots...." Kim snickered. I agreed with her. They were total idiots. But I was left at the mercy of them, so it was best not to poke the bear.

Ten minutes later we were sitting at Five Guys. I, being the only one never to have eaten there, had no clue what to order. So I went with the safest choice, chips. Kim got a mammoth grape soda and a cheeseburger, Duncan copied Kim only with no grape soda, Sjin settled for a hamburger that was too big for someone with even his big mouth to eat, Lewis and Hannah decided to share a Bacon burger, while Tom spiced things up with an order of Cajun fries and a bacon cheeseburger. Leo got ketchup. Literally just ketchup. No food, only ketchup. Ketchup for life.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Tom asked, giving his bandmate a 'really' face. Leo shrugged, stealing one of my fries and smothering it with ketchup. I glared at him.

"Leo, want some fries with your ketchup?" Hannah joked, looking at his ketchup stained face. At least, I hope it was ketchup. Lewis nudged her.

"No, he just likes the ketchup. He thinks it gets him the ladies." he said, his voice getting terrifyingly deep at the end of his sentence. He raised his eyebrows, sending Hannah into a fit of laughter. 'I don't see any ladies...' I wrote, smiling like a good girl. A soft 'oooh' rumbled through the table from no obvious culprit.

"Aren't you a lady, Ember?" Duncan asked, casually taking a sip of Kim's grape soda.

"OOOh!" Sjin whooped, nudging Duncan with his elbow. Everyone began laughing, thinking Duncan had won. Except Kim, she was studying my face with a startling intensity. I made an attempt at a reassuring smile. I'm not going down easily. 'No, I thought you were?' I wrote, innocently looking at the much taller man. The laughter stopped.

"I'm pretty sure I'm a man..." Duncan said. But everyone was still looking at him for a better response.

"Last time I checked, I was still a man." he said again. Kim elbowed him, grinning.

"Are ya sure?" she asked, smirking.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Duncan said, a little too quickly.

"Well, maybe you should check again, because we have video proof that you scream like a little girl." Sjin said, ducking to avoid the straw wrapper that sailed towards him from my side of the table.

"Hannah,why!?" Sjin exclaimed, pretending to be hurt. Hannah shrugged, finishing off her half of a burger.

"Because I can." Hannah replied. I looked between Hannah and Sjin, then looked to Duncan, who had stolen yet another sip of Kim's grape soda without anyone noticing. 'I win' I wrote to Duncan, breaking the staring contest between Hannah and Sjin. Duncan huffed.

"Who deci-" but he was interrupted.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S THE YOGSCAST!" Leo turned pale and sat down his empty cup of ketchup.

"Guys, I'm done with my ketchup." he whispered.

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