Chapter 3- Adoption is Strange

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I'd only been here for three weeks before I realized that I wanted to leave as soon as I could. I hadn't gotten in any fights, because I stayed in my room, but I had lost a startling amount of weight. Not that I'd never weighed much to begin with. The food was bad, but it was better than no food. Every time I stood up, I felt like the world was spinning. I didn't sleep much either. I hadn't really paid attention to anyone aside from the triplets. To be honest, I barely paid attention to them either. An adopter came almost every day, and if they wanted a girl, they took the younger ones. Everyone was at school right now.
Huh, school. I can't even count how many times I ditched school. About fourteen times. Basically, I went the first day, then never went back. Good job, me. Good bloody job. I heard the pounding of footsteps as everyone arrived back from school. No one knocked on my door, they never did. They'd be busy doing their homework, if they were in any way responsible.
I heard the rumble of tires on gravel and looked towards my window. I was too tired to get up, that is, until I heard Ms. Dalore shout for all girls aged twelve and up to come down. There was an adopter. I got up slowly, bracing myself for the spinning and walked downstairs. Everyone else had run. I had my board and a purple dry erase marker. I stood in my spot in line and observed the adopter. He was tall, with blue eyes and orange hair. He had grown a bit of stubble on his face and he looked to be about 27. He wore a black and white striped jumper, and jeans. I could hear excited whispers from several of the girls.

"Oh my God, is that-"

"It's Sparkles*!"

"No, it's his twin. He wouldn't actually be here."

"It is him, I'm sure of it." I took a closer look at the man. Was I supposed to recognize him from somewhere? Maybe a movie? I got bored, one the only feelings I actually could relate to, and started writing on my board, in case he got down to me. He wouldn't, but if he did...At least I'd have something.

"Ladies, this is Tom Clarke, and he's looking to adopt one of you." I heard numerous 'I told you so's and 'Holy shit's.

"Be polite." Ms. Dalore added. He made his way down the line, talking to each and every single girl. It seemed to me that he would pick any one of them. I had finally gotten it into my head that maybe he was internet famous or something. He was two girls away from me, and I started to think that maybe I actually would get a chance to talk to him. Then he got to me. I was shaky, dizzy, and I felt like I could throw up at any moment. Not that anything would come out if I did. I skipped breakfast so nobody would notice that I was skipping school too. I held up my board and tried to keep it still enough for him to read it.

"Well, Ember, do you like music?" he asked. I erased what I had. 'I play the piano. I think it's the only thing I actually do that could possibly be useful or memorable.' I wrote. He read it.

"I see." he said quietly. It didn't take me long to realize that he was talking to me longer than he talked to everyone else. After a few more questions and hastily written answers, he stood up and went over to Ms. Dalore. They had a whisper conversation and everyone held their breath. Except me, I needed oxygen. When their conversation was finished, Ms. Dalore made eye contact with me.

"Everyone to their rooms." she said, pretending to be kind. I slowly walked back, and everyone else was in their rooms before I even reached the steps.

"Ember." Ms. Dalore said patiently. I looked at her, leaning my weight against the railing, and nodded.

"When you get up there, pack your bags." she said. I was leaving. I nodded and went up the stairs as fast as I could. Which wasn't fast, mind you. I stood in the doorway. A tingly feeling started in my chest and spread to the rest of me. I knew exactly what my brain was trying to say. Be happy. I reacted with a little smile. I started packing, gently putting my keyboard in its case. My bags were packed in five minutes. I didn't have much, but what I had was important to me. I took the sheets off the bed and folded them up neatly. I looked around when I was sure I was done. The room looked exactly like it did when I came here. I went out into the hall and knocked on the triplets' door. The door swung open to reveal Ivy. She grinned.

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