Chapter 7- Ye Olde Goone What?

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I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until I woke up on a couch surrounded by people. I remembered some of them from the party. They were all staring at me, still not realizing I was awake.

"Isn't she cute?" Kim whispered. The one I remembered as Hannah nodded.

"I think she's awake." a blonde guy whispered, glancing at me. He was wearing a bright orange sweatshirt. I waved. Everyone scrambled back.

"Uh hi, we definitely weren't watching you sleep or anything." a guy with a grey beanie on stammered.

"That's Sjin, he's an ass." Kim said immediately. I nodded, looking for my board.

"Sparks* is in the studio if you want to find him." I nodded again. Kim reached behind her and pulled out my board.

"Duncan, piss off! You're too big to hide behind me." she whined. I stretched, and saw Duncan curled in a ball at Kim's feet, trying not be seen. She handed me my board and my trademark purple marker. I nodded a thanks and started writing. 'Duncan, get up. I can see you because you're really shit at hiding. Hello, Sjin the ass, I like your hat. Thank you for watching me sleep.' I waited patiently for all of them to read it. The blonde guy in the orange sweatshirt grinned.

"Hi, I'm Inthelittlewood, also known as Martyn!" I blinked. Am I surrounded by children again? If they're friends of Tom, I must be.

"You're really cute when you sleep." Hannah remarked. Kim mock-punched her.

"Sorry!" Hannah squeaked. Duncan stood up, towering above everyone else. 'You're tall.' I wrote, leaning up and shoving the board in Duncan's face. He grinned and patted Kim's head.

"Well, welcome to Yogtowers! Home of the Ye Olde Goone Squad!" a guy with a weird face said. 'Ye Olde Goone what?' I wrote with a blank face. Everyone went quiet.

"She doesn't know, does she?" Kim whispered to Hannah. Martyn shook his head.

"Right, crash course on the Yogscast!" weird-faced guy said with a clap of his hands.

"I'm Turps, the CEO. And this is about two floors of offices belonging to a number of gamers who make videos for youtube. Yes, we get paid. We have a lot of people in the Yogscast family, including these jokers." the strange guy, who had now introduced himself as Turps, said. These people have some strange names. Then again, I have no room to talk. My name is pretty odd. I looked up when Sjin whispered to Kim.

"She isn't talking." He wasn't a very good whisperer. I rolled my eyes. I uncapped my marker and started writing. 'You're a really bad whisperer. And no, I don't talk.' I handed the board to Sjin. He read it and nodded somewhat awkwardly before handing the board back. Kim shoved Sjin into a beanbag chair.

"Sit down, you butt!" she yelled. He pouted.

"But whyyyyy!" he whined.

"Because I said so." Kim replied,

"Duncan! Escort!" she shouted. Duncan groaned.

"Why did I agree to bet with youuuu??" the tall man cried miserably. Kim mock-punched him.

"Shut up or I'm switching all of your ribena with grape soda. And I'm adding it to your tab." she said. He grumbled a few choice curse words before picking Kim up and putting her on his back.

"Watch your head." he mumbled, walking out the door.

 "Ember! I wanna show you around!" Kim yelled. I shrugged and got off the couch, waving to everybody before following Kim's bright red hair. They showed me around, bickering the entire time. Finally, Kim forced Duncan to carry her down an infuriatingly long set of stairs. I followed uncertainly. These people seemed like the kind of people who would have a secret underground cult or something. But I was happy with what I found instead. They'd led me to a music studio. Duncan let out a groan of exhaustion and collapsed. Kim cheered, still perched delicately on his shoulders.

"I did it! I killed him! Yessssss!" she did a little victory dance. Duncan mumbled something unintelligible. Kim frowned.

"Duncan?" she asked, poking his cheek, "Are you okay?" Duncan didn't move. I walked a little closer.

"Duncan? Are you dead?" she asked. Duncan grumbled. She huffed, "Of course not." I shook my head. Children.

"Hey Sparks*! I killed Duncan!" she shouted, banging on a door. Duncan tried to move and Kim swatted his cheek.

"No moving when you're dead, Duncan." she said sternly.

"Good job Kim!" Tom shouted through the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked. I heard laughter.

"Yes!" Tom shouted, just as Parv opened the door enough to peek out at us.

"No entry permitted." he said, slamming the door.

"Parv, stop being a dick! Come in!"  Tom shouted. I heard a loud thump and then a yelp.

"Kogie, you ass!" Tom shouted as Kim opened the door and pushed me in. I waved, and then found a giant steaming pile of shit- I mean a pile of people. Tom was buried under Parv, Kogie, and Leo. It looked like Leo had given up on trying to get Kogie off of Parv and Tom.

"Ooh, people!" Kim shouted, running forward and launching herself onto the pile.

"Ugh, you guys smell like boys!" she whined. Kogie laughed.

"Is that all you smell?" he asked, smirking.

"I smell the blood of my future murder victims." she mumbled. Kogie's smirk vanished.

"Shit, Kim, that's deep."  Parv muttered.

"You're damn right it is!" she shouted in his ear. Parv winced.

"Ow." he mouthed. I rolled my eyes. Children. Tom looked out the still open door.

"Is Duncan okay?" he asked.

"I'm not allowed to move." Duncan said from his hallway tomb.

"Or talk!" Kim shouted. Duncan groaned in frustration.

"Or that!" she added. Kogie rolled off the pile of people and scooped up Kim. She squealed loudly.

"Ahh no, you stink!" she shouted.

"Go with your lover!" Kogie shouted, tossing the short woman onto the collapsed, yet fully aware, Duncan, who yelped in response to the sudden weight.

"Kogie, you're dead!" she shouted. Kogie slammed the door, but not before we all heard what was said.

"Kim, get your boobs out of my face."

"Shut up, Duncan." Kim muttered. The door slammed shut, leaving me with Kogie, Leo, and Parv.

"Did you get it, Leo?" Tom whispered. Leo nodded, and pulled a tiny GoPro off of one of the shelves.

"Every word." he said with a mischievous smirk.

"Even the last bit?" Tom asked, pushing Parv to the floor.

"Especially the last bit." Leo said. Parv stood up,

"Welcome to our lair, Ember." he said with a spooky voice. I looked around for the first time. Various instruments were strewn around, yet nothing felt out of place.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Parv. This is just a front for your fuckin' crack house." Kogie muttered, punching Parv on the arm.

"So I guess you're wondering what it is we actually do. Well, here's your answer." Tom said.

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