Chapter 6

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I Woke up with a headache. Camila was sitting in the chair beside my bed sleeping. I started shaking her until she woke up. "Oh my god are you ok". She asked. I nodded and then asked her what happened. "A boy. I think his name was Nela pushed you down on the ground when you told me to leave. Then he kicked your head and then Coach Rob showed up. Rob got him in a hold and got the principal. As soon as I saw you black out I called 911. But thank you for saving me." She goes on saying. I look at her hand and her face. She has a cut right below her eye and her hand is in a cast. God she is beautiful. Wait no Y/N what are you thinking. "Thank you" she says giggling. "Oh man did I say that out loud" I say blushing. She nods and I start blushing more. "No problem and sorry about your hand and face. What happened" I ask her very quietly. "Before you showed up this girl named Ashley came and beat me up. She said that you were hitting on me. And she beat me up and when you showed up she ran away" Camila mumbled. "Oh my god. Ashley. Ashley Benson. She's my ex. I'm so sorry about that. She does that to any girl she thinks I like or any of my girlfriends. Are you ok?" I ask worried. She nods and hugs me. "I'm sorry about changing the topic but what happened to my car" I ask getting nervous. "Well when the paramedics showed up I followed then to the hospital here. In your car. I'm sorry I should have-" "Thank you" I say. The doctor came in told me what to do for the head aches. He let me out of the hospital but told me I couldn't drive. "I'll take you home. Just tell me where you live and I will drop you and the car off and then call my mom". She said helping me get into the car. "Are you sure I mean I could just call my friend to come pick me up". She nodded and started the car. She was a way better driver than me. I told her where I lived and she looked at me straight in the eye. "Shut up. You live in City Veiw apartments too. What floor." "5 floor" I said shrugging. "Oh my god I live on the same floor. Wait your the new guy. The guy that just moved in. The owners cousin". I nod and she keeps driving. We pulled up to the apartment building. She lived right across from me. We exchanged numbers and I went back inside. I looked at the time on my apple watch. 9:23. I stripped down to my boxers and went to sleep thinking of what happened to day. I have never saved someone before. I'm usually the one causing the trouble. Then I started dozing off.

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