Chapter 23

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Camila's POV

"I'm sorry but Y/N didn't make it" the doctor says apologetically. "Oh my god" I sob into Lauren's hoodie. "But he had this on and I didn't know if you wanted this" He said handing me Y/N's half of his necklace.
Y/N was giving me a piggyback ride in the mall.We went into a ring store to look around. I was looking at a certain ring while Y/N was looking at something else. He went over and bought it and I got back on his back. "So what did you get" I ask getting off. "Close your eyes and turn around" He says going behind me. He put something on my neck and told me to open my eyes. I looked down and there was a half of a hear that had  A L Wand FOR. He put his beside mine and it spelled out ALWAYS FOREVER. "Like it" He questioned  putting his on. I nod and peck him on the cheek before getting back on his back. He wears it everyday since the day we got it.
All of the girls embraced my into a hug. "We will get through this together" Ally whispers. Jake and Bea were in the back crying. "I'm so sorry" I whisper to her. "No. I'm sorry. He knew you before me" She gave me a sad smile. We hugged for a while. "Look it's daddy" Brandon said running over to a empty seat and sitting on it. We stared at him but let him talk to the chair. After about 30 minutes came over and sat in my lap and fell asleep.


I woke up in a empty room. I sat up but my body stayed on the bed. I tried jumping into my body but I fell straight on the floor. I got up and tried again but failed. I got up and tried opening the door but I walked right through it. I was walking down the hospital hallway until I saw a really bright light. I walked into that room and there were my parents. "Mom, Dad. Oh my god" I run up to them and hug them. "Y/N look how big you've gotten. I'm sorry about what happened." My mom said rubbing my back. "But you have to make a decision" My dad said rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb. Nervous habit. "Do you want to stay with us. Or do you want to go back" She ask slowly. I think about it for a while. "Keep in mind. We will always watch you and you sometimes may see us" Dad says. "I'll go. But can I have a little time to look around" I ask. They both nod and I walk out. I go to the Delivery room first and look around. So many women were having babies. I walk out to the lobby. I see all of the girls and my friends crying. "NO IM ALIVE. IM RIGHT HERE" I yell waving my hands around. It seems only Brandon noticed. He and running towards me and I sat in a chair. He sat beside me and started talking. "Why aren't you here helping Momma to stop crying" He ask curiously. "I tried. But they can't see me. But I will be there. Watch. Give it a couple of weeks. Or Months. I will be there" I say. "Promise" He said holding up his pinky. I smiled and took his pinky into mine. "I promise. Now go back To them." I say. He hops off the chair and goes running towards all of the girls. I walked over and kissed his cheek making him immediately fall asleep. I touched Camila but she didn't notice. "It's time to go back" My parents call out. I sigh and go back to the room. "Remember Y/N. We always see you. And I'm just going to say. This process on getting you back may take a while. But we love you" My mom and dad say at the same time. I hug them and find myself being closed in by the walls and everything turning black.

Camila's POV

3 weeks later

They put Y/N on life support. And everyday I would go to his lifeless body and pray that one day he will wake up. Today we weren't going to go. Brandon was playing with my phone in my lap until I got a call. "Momma. Angry Birds is gone" He says handing me the phone. "It will come back. I'll be right back" I say to him walking to the Kitchen.


"Yes. This is Dr.Wahlberg at Miami Valley hospital"

"Hi. Is this about Y/N"

"Yes. He has waken up. It's a miracle. He's awake."

"Oh thank you. We will be over"

I hang up and go out on my clothes. "Where are we going" Brandon ask. "We are going to go see Daddy" I say handing him my phone. He nods and starts playing the game.

"Y/N Y/L/N" I ask the receptionist. "3rd floor. Make a right. Room 346" She says. I nod and grab Brandon's hand and take him upstairs. Right Before I knocked on Y/N's door the doctor came out. "He's awake. But he's suffering from Memory loss. He only remembers what his name is and what year it is. When he hit his head it damaged his memory"The doctor says walking away. I nod and go in. "Hey babe" I say sitting on the chair beside his bed. "Umm. Who are you. And who's the kid" He ask. "It's Camila. Your Girlfriend..Er...Fiancée" I say holding hands with him. "Well Camila. I don't know who you are but your really pretty" He says taking his hand out of my grip. After a while of watching TV the girls come in. "Hey Y/N/N (your nickname)" Dinah and Lauren say at the same time."Who's Y/N/N and who are you" He ask frowning. "Stop Joking Y/N. You know who we are right" Normani ask. He shakes his head and looks back at the TV.


"Oh that's cool. We have the same name" He says playing with his hands. The doctor came in and called me out. "Although Y/N lost his memory. There is a way to get it back. All you have to do is re create them." The doctor says. I nod and go back to the room. Since Brandon always wears Y/N's SnapBack and Beanies,I hand one to him. "Oh thanks....hey wait....I already have one of these. My girlfriend gave it to me." He said giving it back to me. I smiled and handed him the half of the necklace. "And this too. Where did you get this. I gave my girlfriend this"He said frowning. I pulled out my half and hand it to him. "Wait....your Camila. And That's Dinah,Ally,Normani,and Lauren and Brandon" He said pointing to each of us. We all nod and he claps his hands. "So Y/N will be able to leave tonight. But he will have to use crutches because of his side. When we did surgery the bullet was extremely close to his heart and the other was by his lungs." The doctor said. I nodded and Y/N had a confused look on his face. "Wait...I was shot" He said reaching down to his side. He winced when he moved his arm. "Don't move" I told him. He looked at me. And then looked down his hospital gown. "What happened to it" he said pointing not down to his area. The girls all smirked as I looked down their. "What. It's not like she hasn't seen it" Y/N scoffed. All of the girls gasped including Me. I slapped his arm and he winced. "Oh I'm sorry" I say kissing it and rubbing it. "I think you just broke it. That's all." I say answering his question. It had a white cloth wrapping it. And an ice pack. He nodded and put his hand down their and started itching himself. I saw his hand moving in the gown and he closed his eyes. Lauren immediately turned Brandon around. "Ew. Y/N. Why you do that here" Dinah says fake throwing up. He smiles and pulls his hand back up. He puts his hand under the hand sanitizer bottle. "We're gonna go Y/N. See you tomorrow morning" Ally says walking out. He nods and looks at the TV. After all of the girls left I laid beside Y/N. Brandon laid on the other side of him. "I love you" He whispered. "I love you too" I say kissing his hand.

Sorry I didn't update last night. I was voting lol. ENJOY

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