Chapter 26

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I rolled over but Camila wasn't there. I sit it quickly and see the bathroom door open. I run inside and see her by the toilet puking. I pull up her hair and put it in a ponytail and rub her back. As soon as she gets done she brushes her teeth and goes back to bed. "You want anything" I ask. "Yeah. Peanut Butter and Skittles" She says turning over. I frown but go down the the corner store and get her some Peanut Butter and I also grab a box of pregnancy test and buy them just in case. I go back to the hotel and give her everything I bought. "What are these for" She said holding up the pregnancy test. "You know...just incase...uh..just use it" I say. She groans and goes to the restroom. "You want-ok" She slams the door and I hear her mumble things. 5 minutes she walks out and sits on the bed. She rips open her pack of skittles and starts eating them.

20 minutes later I figured the test was finished. "Can you do it" She ask. I nod and take a deep breath before walking into the restroom. I pick up the eat and look at it


"Holy Crap" I mumble shocked. I run out of the restroom Camila. "What?!?" She yells. I hand the test to her and she looks at it. She covers her hand with her mouth and starts tearing up. I smile and hug her. "Your gonna be a mom. Of your own child" I say. She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Let's go back to bed and we will tell everyone tomorrow morning before we go back home. How about that" She nods and we go back to sleep.

6 hours later

"Mila,Baby get up" I say shaking her. She groans and puts the pillow over her head. I grab a pillow and start hitting her with it gently. She sits up and glares at me before going to the restroom. Since I got up earlier and let her sleep I took a bath already. "Baby come take a shower with me" I hear Camila call out. "I've already taken a shower" I say picking up my phone. After 3 minutes Camila gets a call. I look at the Caller ID and it says


I answer it in my best impression of her.


"Hey Mila. Congrats on you and Y/N."

"Oh. Hehe. Thanks."

"So what you doing"

"Just getting out of the shower"

"Oh. Hehe. Can you send me a pic"

Wait hold on. Did he just ask for that.

"Excuse Me"

"I'm just playing. And Y/N I know this is you"

"Oooooohhhh. And  have a nice day"

"You too"

I hear the bathroom door open and I toss her phone to the other bed. She comes out with her crop top and jeans. "I'm just gonna wear these while I can" She said. I nod and grab her hand. She sighs and walks with me. "We don't have to do this right now" I say. "No I want to. I'm just nervous" She said smiling. I smile and kiss her forehead.I knock on the girls door and Lauren opens up. "Hey guys. Aren't you supposed to be getting everything together before we go home tonight." She ask. "We already have everything but we have to tell you something" I say. Camila sits on my lap and I put my arms around her waist. "I'm pregnant" She says. "WHAT" All of the girls yell in unison. She bites her lip and nods. "What does that mean" Brandon ask. "That means you may have a brother or sister" I say kneeling down to his height. "That's cool" He says smiling. "I know right" I say and ruffle his hair. "Alright champ. Let's go get ready to go home" I say. He smiles and nods and we go back to the room. "Y/N WHO ATE ALL OF MY SKITTLES" Camila screams. "You did" I say picking up her bags and my backpack. "Oh. All of those skittles lost their lives. I killed them" She sobbed. "Aww baby it's alright. They are in skittle heaven" I say trying not to laugh. She nods and walks out. God help me. 9 more months of this

9 months later

"Do you want anything while I'm out" I ask grabbing my keys. She shakes her head and goes back to talking to Dinah. I get in my car to go to Walmart. 20 minutes later I get a call from her.


"Y/N. God. It hurts"

"What. Wait what hurts"


"Ok ok. Be there in five minutes. Love you"


I make a U-Turn and turn around. "Come Y/N. You've done this before you can do it now" I say picking up speed. I turn into the driveway and Dinah and Lauren help her into the car. "What happened" I ask Ally. "Her water broke" She said handing me the baby bag. "I'll take Brandon and Mani. You take Lo and DJ" She said getting in her car. I get in my car and start driving like a mad man. "Y/N don't kill us" Lauren said. I ignore her and make the turn to the hospital. We pull up and get her of the car. The nurses help her on the stretcher and roll her to the room. I wait for Ally and Mani to get here before I go in. "Mr.Y/L/N are you coming" The mid wife ask. I nod and go into the room. Camila immediately grabs my hand. "Alright Mrs.Cab-" The nurse started. "Just call..God..Just call me Camila" Camila whimpers. "Ok. Camila. I need you to push on 3" She nods and squeezes my hand. "1...2...3 push". She shuts her eyes and pushes.

After a while if pushing the baby finally comes out. "So what is her name" The doctor ask. "Daniela Hope Y/L/N" Camila says. "I like that name" I say and the doctor agrees. "Holy crap" She groans. "What's wrong" The doctor ask putting down his clipboard and grabs his stethoscope. "It still hurts" She whimpers. "Ok. There seems to be another baby in there. Um I'm going to need you to push again on 5 this time ok" The doctor said calling the nurses in. "1.....2.....3.....4..5 push"

Again another baby. But he looked just like the other. The only difference between them well...was the gender. "What's his name" The doctor ask. "Baby you choose" Camila says and smiles. "Umm....Daniel Chase Y/L/N" I say. "I like that" Camila says. The nurse brings both of the babies and hands me Daniel. The girls come in with Brandon. "Awww they are adorable" Ally says. "I'm gonna teach you guys to be little pranksters" Dinah says rubbing Daniela's hand. "Can I hold him" Brandon ask. I nod and tell him sit on the chair. He hops in the chair and I hand him Daniel. Daniel looks at Brandon and starts smiling. Brandon hands me Daniel and whispers something in Lauren's ear making her laugh. "I don't know sweetheart" She whispers loud enough for us to hear. I look over at Camila and see her singing to Daniela quietly. "You guys are going to be the best family in the world" Normani says smiling

IM BACK..but for a litte bit.

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