"There's no sex in it"

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Somebody inboxed me saying my story is boring. I have no problem with that. Everyone has their own opinion, choosing to voice it is fine and I respect that.

So, I asked why and what made my story seem boring to them.

"There's so sex in it"


Go re read what I quoted.

I read so many amazing books, and a lot of them have sex scenes every other chapter. That's fine and I do enjoy reading them. But, I have read books that had no sex in them at all. And I still was glued to it. Sex doesn't and shouldn't make a book what it is.

I purposely am making August and Olivia wait a while before having sex because I want them to really know each other and connect mentally. That way, when they do have sex, it will be BOMB as hell. (And trust me, it will be)

If you actually read this book, you'd notice that there are moment where August and Olivia show much physical attraction. But they stop before they take it too far. I'm doing that on purpose to build sexual tension and frustration. I'm way ahead of yall.

This little girl that inboxed me look like she about 12 anyways.

I'm a teenager too, but I'm far from 12 and I don't encourage little kids to be reading this kind of content.

I just wanted to share my angr and frustration. Because I have thought and thought about adding sex scenes to make my story more interesting, but I realized that I'm doing fine and this book has been successful without it so far.

I'm choosing to keep this girl anonymous, but if another one of yall try me you will be exposed.

Well, I'm sorry if you thought this was an update lol keep commenting/voting and I'll update soon.

Love you guys,


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