}{ Chapter Nine }{

Beginne am Anfang

As time passed more and more people watched you both. Their eyes following your steps as you glided across the floor.

Ciel's face had stopped concentrating on the steps and started to concentrate on you. His stiff grip on you loosened. His hand relaxed in yours. You hands fit together like puzzle pieces.

No, you thought as you pulled yourself out of his gaze. You could feel yourself falling for him, you couldn't. You were a killer. A cold blooded, no hearted killer. You didn't have time for love, you didn't have time to waste with a boy. No, you were a killer.

"We've grabbed their attention." You whispered into Ciel's ear.

"What?" He shook his head, putting himself back into reality. You broke the spell that had trapped you both in a deep gaze.

"They're looking, when will dinner start?"

Someone tapped your shoulder, you spun around. "Greetings My Lady." He bowed.

"Hi?" You said, it sounded like a question. The man reached for you hand and kissed it.

"What a lovely dress. There's nothing else like it in the room, it does make you stand out. You are like a white rose in a field of red."

You took your hand back. "Thank you."

"I'm Gregory Appleton, host to tonight's ball." You glanced at Ciel out the corner of your eye. "Dinner will be served shortly." The young man turned to look at Ciel. "Ah, Mister Phantomhive. I am honored to make your acquaintance."

You smiled at the man, "You throw quite a lovely ball." You turned to Ciel, "I must clean up before dinner is served, please excuse me." You slightly bowed you head before turning away. You walked down a dark hallway, aware of the footsteps behind you, there was more than one person. You stopped, allowing them to jump you. They held you down and placed a white handkerchief on your mouth. You breathed in the chemicals, slowly falling asleep.

A hard bump shook you awake. You moaned, your head hurt. You opened your eyes, but only saw black. Something was tied around your eyes. You hands and feet were also bound together. You tried to speak, something was stuffed in your mouth.

"Now, now my dear rose, please do calm down. I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you."

The voice was coming across from you, but you felt the warmth of a body besides you.

"Ciel Phantomhive and his Lady, oh how you two will make me a rich man."

Ciel? Ciel's here? You thought, panicked.

A moaned came from besides you.

"It seems like the Young Lord has awakened."

You struggled against the rope around you.

"Please!" The man's voice rang out, "Don't damage your face!" He untied the cloth pieces from your eyes and mouth.

You looked at Viscount Appleton, then at Ciel. His cheek had a bruise on it and his lip was bleeding. The Viscount smiled at you, "Do you wish for your love to be unbound?"

You nodded your head.

The Viscount smiled, "Anything for my lovely rose." He removed the cloth from Ciel's eyes and mouth. You gave him a look, he shook his head. Ciel didn't want you to attack the creepy jerk, he wanted to find out where you were going.

"Are you alright [f/n]?" He asked.

"Yes, you?"

Ciel nodded his head then looked at the Viscount. "What do you plan to do with us?"

"Make money off of you two of course. I'm sure I'll sell you for a grand price Ciel Phantomhive, and the lady that's accompanying you will sell for a high price as well. I mean, just look at all her beauty."

You wanted to punch that man in the face. No one sells you like a doll.

"You will never get away with this! The authorities will be looking for us!" Ciel shouted and struggled against the rope.

"Help!" You screamed, playing along.

The Viscount grabbed your face in his hand, pulling you closer to him. "Now my little rose, please calm down. I don't want to have to strip you of your petals."

You stopped, breathing heavily.

"Thank you." The Viscount sat back in his seat.
<::::::::::::{===O O===}::::::::::::>
Oh dear! It seems like you've been kidnapped together, what a lovely first date. Wait to tell the kids that.

I hope you liked this chapter, please vote and comment! Thank you!

WTF Black Butler Moment:
When Lizzy decided that suicidal butler Grell would make a cute decoration. Like girl, calm yourself. A dead man is not cute.

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