Chapter 1

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"M-o-m!" I moaned, letting my red-brown hair fall over my face as I was slinking down into the passenger seat of my family's car.

"Cassie Keith. Take a breath." My mom, former TV star, Breanna Higgins-Keith, turned Christian and movie producer/director gave me her "mom look". 'Take a breath' was Mom-enese for 'listen to me and cut the attitude, love'.

"Cassie, hon. Just get out of the car, it'll be alright." My dad, Christian music singer, Jayson Keith, pushed gently.

"Fine." I sighed, getting out of the car slowly. Dad always has a way of getting me to do stuff that Mom never can. "Wow..." I looked at the woods we had pulled up and into. "Is this the place, Mom?"

Mom smiles. "Yes. This is where Alan first talked to me about God." She wipes her eyes. She had told me about it hundreds of times since I was born, if not more. This was when her life had started changing, and for the better. She led us to a bench in the woods and traced a gentle finger over it. "I was crying right here when Alan found me. He was the one that first opened my eyes up to God. He took pity on the poor, just cheated on, Hollywood brat that I was then."

Mom and Dad locked hands and went walking through the woods, I decided to stay at the bench.

It was hard to imagine my Mom ever being anything but what I know her as. My brave & courageous Christian mother.

I had to admit, there were times here recently when I wondered why she had just sort of up and left acting. I have been the lead in the theatre's plays the past two years. I love acting. Don't take me wrong, I have plenty of music in me too, but I tend to bend towards acting more.

My phone started ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts. I grinned when I saw my best friend/mentor's name on it. "Hey A.J.!" I picked up and answered with a big smile.

"How's Hollywood, little Hollywood?" A.J. (short for Avery Jade) Powell, daughter of Alan Powell himself teased me back.

"Harhar!" I said, pushing back the urge to stick my tongue out at her. Really, the effort would be lost since she couldn't see me.

I started walking in the woods, feeling at peace. Laughing and talking with my best friend, and telling her what I had encountered in my Mom's old stomping grounds. Well that is until I ran face first into a wall. A tall, muscled wall.

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