"You mean the brother we thought was a myth and isn't and is actually supposed to be the big bad, and we are suppose to be deadly afraid of?" He nodded.

"Klaus, well he gets what he wants. He's always one step ahead of you. You plan to kill him, and your dead while planning. You trust someone, he'll make that person not trustable. You run, he kills your loved ones. You try to stop him he ends you." Elijah said, with almost a hint of hurt in his voice.

"And Klaus wants the curse broken?" I ask. Elijah nods

"My mother had an affair, with a werewolf, thus Klaus. So when mother turned us all into vampires, Klaus still had his werewolf side that my mother bounded. The curse is breakable with the Petrova blood and the moonstone. We spread the rumor of the curse being the one people believe long ago to get what we want. Now I don't want Klaus to get the curse. If he does, he becomes a hybrid- a breed between vampires and werewolves and he will be able to create hybrids. It's unbalance in the nature, and I want Klaus dead. The only way to do that is in his weakened state, so when he does break the curse and becomes a werewolf he'll be weakened so I can kill him."

"I'll help you."

"Though when Klaus discovers you he'll immediately know who you are." He stated standing up to face me.

"Who am I?" I growled loud enough to send the noise echoing through the forest.

"You are the one. Long ago, before my mother a little after the first witch's time, a witch had an affair with a Mason."

"What's with witch's and affairs?" I asked interrupting. He raise his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, continue."

"Well she had an affair and ended up loving the guy. The guy however had other plans as he was sleeping around with other women. When the witch discovered this she was furious. She put a curse on his generation to end one day, with a powerful women, who can't give birth." My eyebrows furrowed as confusion set in. If my father comes from the Mason family that makes me one too, though I still don't see the issue. "The women however will be a target. Theirs a curse set upon her, whoever cures the curse and ingests the blood shall become one of the most powerful creature on earth itself."

Like a lightbulb lighting up it set in. Though it was impossible. My powers that I once harnessed aren't as strong they seem to get weaker and some I have forgotten how to use and don't use them at all. There's also the fact that Renesmee is part human and can have children. Or the fact that she could be the one. Not me.

Not me.

Not me.

Not me.

"It's you." He said.

"Impossible." I growled. "My sister can have children or could be the one. Our generation hasn't ended."

"When your father become a vampire people met him and had declared him not the one. He was the last of the Mason's. but news travels fast and thus I knew about you and your sister. Edward is dead, no heartbeat. Your sister is dead, no heartbeat. You are dead, no heartbeat. Thus the end of the Mason generation. When I met you I could feel the vibe, call it an instinct but I knew you are the one."

I interrupted once again. "Let me make one thing clear. You neither your brother will ever harness my power, you will never, I repeat never get the chance to kill me."

"You are la maledizione dei potenti. The curse of the powerful. Or as others called it potenza bellezza. Power beauty. The curse said you will possess power, beauty and strength. All that you have. You just don't know how to use it." Elijah said slightly dazed as if he was thinking.

"How's the curse broken?"

"Your blood and the sacrifice of a werewolf, shapeshifter, a vampire of any kind, and a witch." He said. "The curse has to be done, on the potenza belleza's birthday, with blood poured upon her prized possession and then drained by the one who wants the power."

I thought about my prized possessions, they change and no one, absolutely no one knows what they are. A, it could be the moonstone, B it could be the teddy bear that Damon got me, or C the Cullen crest necklace that I still have. "You'll never get to do it."

"I don't want to. But Klaus, will want to and so will others once they find out. You help me and I won't kill you."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"Smart. You come with me and do as I say." He said with no smile on his face.

"If you think I will stoop to that level of becoming your slave, your wrong! " I growled my voice raising at every word I say.

"You will have no choice!" He yelled, crouching down slightly into a protective crouch. I bended my knees a lot more standing in a fighting stance growling. I launched myself at him, and grabbed his neck holding him against a tree. The calmness I once possessed was easily replaced with anger and fury.

"I will never stoop that low. Remember I may be young but I battle like a soldier. Don't underestimate me Elijah! I will end you!"

I growled. Finally after a good amount of struggle, he pushed me off of him, causing me to hit my head against a rock. A few drops fell but quickly healed. I got back up to launch myself at him but he dodged me, causing me to almost run into the tree. Instead of running into it, I used it as a asset, and ran up it and on to a branch. Then I jumped on him from behind holding onto his neck while basically sitting on his back.

"I..am...older.." He flung me off of him. "...than you!" I got back up and right before he went to snap my neck, I threw him into a boulder and stuck a tree branch into his heart.

Then I went to one of the trees, and carved, 'Watch Your Back!" with my nails.


I told everyone about the actual curse, but kept mine to myself. I need to do more research on myself, because apparently I have no idea who I am.

Good news is there is a way to kill the obnoxious originals. Its called white oak stake.

Bad news is they don't exist. The freaking white oak tree is freaking extinct. God must hate me. More bad news, Elena is being annoying and crying and brooding.

Good news, I think I know where some white oak may or may not be. Remember that old witch dude me and Damon may or may not have killed, well yah he ha this gate thing that could possibly have been white oak.

Damon thinks it isn't and I think it's worth a try. "Hey biyoch!" I greeted walking into the parlor and smacking Nikki's butt.

"Hello whore." She said punching my boobs. "Ow! That was uncalled for!" I yelled putting my arms around my chest.

"Serves you." She muttered.

"Why can't you guys be normal?" Jeremy muttered.

I ignored him and I secretly winked at Damon then sat down beside Caroline on the couch. I didn't miss the secret smile Damon gave me before taking a gulp from the glass of bourbon in his hands.

"So...when are Damon and I going to get the white oak?"


Authors Note:

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So anyways sorry I should've updated this a few hours ago but I totally forgot so here it is!!!

Vote comment an yadda yadda!

So till my next update Lie to damon, smack Jeremy upside the head...its all good in the hood

Born, Hated and Found (The Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon