Naruto Scenarios: Cell phones

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Prompt: The Naruto characters discover cell phones!

(Thanks to SleepyNinjaa for this idea!)

Scenario One

"Na-Ru-To!" A large bang sounded. In the corner of the room a boy with blonde spiky hair, large blue eyes, and whiskers on his cheeks cowered in fear.

"I know you're there, Naruto! I can smell the Ramen on your scent from a mile away!" He whimpered. Sakura was angry.

"Argh!" The loud banging grew louder.

Very angry.

"Come on phone! Hurry up and charge!" The stupid little thing was on ninety-nine percent and to make sure it lasted for the max he needed it to be fully charged.

"If you don't open this door I swear to all that's holy I will tear it to splinters! Then I'll let Gai and Lee have you!"

Naruto gulped. The last time she had done that he ended up in the hospital for a week. Not even his battle with Pein caused him to stay in the dreaded place that long!

"I'm coming, Sakura-chan! Please don't break my door!" He paused and then in after thought added, "Or me!" The banging slowed to a stop.

"You have to the count of three."


"One!" He laid the phone down softly on the ground.

"Two!" Dashing for the door, he tripped and had to front flip over his table.


He yanked the door open and then tried to dive out of the way. With a small yelp his world was twisted, upside down, and looking abstract; if only for a couple seconds.

"You Idiot! I was worried sick!" Sakura was a girl with soft pink hair down to her shoulders, viridian green eyes, and pale unblemished skin. Naruto thought she was beautiful. She thought she had a large forehead.

"Worried? Why were you worried?" Kami he was so confused. Nothing was making sense at the moment for him!

"Why. Was. I. Worried!?"

Wrong question.

"I was worried because we had a mission YESTERDAY!" She shook him to punctuate the sentence, her face the epitome of anger. "Kakashi showed up. On. Time. AND YOU WERE NOT THERE!"

Oh. Shit.

"We waited for two hours for you to show up before we had to cancel the mission! Ino's team took it! Then we spent the next five hours searching the entire of Konoha for your butt!"

Naruto gulped. He had to end this quickly. "SASUKE!"

The effect that word had was instantaneous. Sakura dropped her teammate as if he was a paper bomb, or IchaIcha, and backed away, the anger on her face gone and replaced with a lost look. She didn't know what to do.

"I found a way to locate Sasuke and I was too caught up in it to let you know." Sakura blinked and fell into the nearest chair, her eyes searching Naruto's.

"H-how?" She croaked out.

"I bought a cell phone and then began to search for his number," he said this with a straight face, determined to make her believe him.

"A cell phone. Really, Naruto? Do you think Sasuke, or Orochimaru for that matter, would be stupid enough to buy a cell phone?! You can track those!"

Naruto blinked. "Huh?"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him, her green vision boring into him like a laser. Tsunade-shisou had mentioned a new invention of Jiraiya's called a cell phone. It had a camera in it.

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