WoW: Kakashi Hatake

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"To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward." – Hatake Kakashi

You guys have no idea just how unbelievably badly it annoys me with the above. Okay, but yeah. I need to stop with that line before because otherwise this will be an uncontrolled rant rather than, well... Controlled.

Anyway, everyone has some sort of influence that tries to guide them to what is right. It can vary from parents to teachers to a random old lady we sit down besides of on a warm summer day who actually cares about the young generation. Even that one guy who smiles and says thank you is an influence trying to push you to be polite because you see it. That's not the only reason to be polite, of course, but you get my point.

Some things are easy to know what is right. "This guy annoys me. Should I stab him in the heart or let him live?" Basically everyone can tell you what the right choice in this situation is. We are raised knowing this.

In other situations, though, things are a bit harder. As this is taken from the Narutoverse, and we all know just where Kakashi obtained these ideals, let us think of that fateful mission to destroy a bridge. Rin was captured. The bridge needed to be destroyed. To save Rin would put the mission at risk.

This was Kakashi and Obito's team-mate. To some, it may be the "obvious" answer to go save Rin. That's the right thing, isn't it?

So why did Kakashi have such a hard time to do it?

Sometimes others try to pressure us into believing other things are right that aren't. Even when we are aware it is wrong, at times there are risks attached to going against what is declared as right.

This is where the cowardly actions come in. We all fear what others will think of us based on what we do. Does that take any more from the aspect that it is right? Is giving up what's right simply out of fear the best option? Then again, that brings back the problem of doing what's right despite being afraid.

What price really outweighs doing what's right? We all have the option to turn a head and run when we are faced with an option. However, as there is a cowardly route, there is also the "courageous" route.

Being a coward is just that – being a coward. Don't let excuses push you down this route, because it is the very route that guarantees you are backing away from what is right.

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