Thought Eleven.

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She is finally here with us, and we can be a normal family – just like I had always dreamed. Understandably she will need some time to adjust, and get to know us as her parents. It shouldn’t be too difficult though, Neven and I are two of the kindest people out there; or so I would like to think.

This afternoon had flown by, and I keep playing over the events in my head. The moment I saw her – my daughter. Her hair is dark, almost black. Her eyes beautiful, like her father’s. Her movements are graceful, yet she seems to have knowledge, strength and courage. I couldn’t be more proud.

“Isn’t she something?” Neven’s lips gently press against my earlobe, and I smile while nodding.

“She is every bit your daughter.” I whisper back. We continue to watch her talk to Jones in the living room from the kitchen. Deciding that she is already much more comfortable in his presence than in ours.

“She is just as much your daughter. I see you when I look into her eyes. Her beauty, her courage, her passion, and her wit… it all comes from you. Although, I think her knowledge must come from me.” This makes me laugh, and I shove him playfully away from me.

“You are something else!” I laugh, and turn my attention back to Embrie and Jones – whose eyes are now staring at me. “Embrie, why don’t we go for a walk? I could show you around these lands a bit, although we cannot go very far, I can still show you some things that you may find interesting.” I watch her as she looks to Jones for some sort of encouragement or approval. It nerves me a bit to see her put so much trust into the pure vampire that I once feared – before I loved him. And now, to see the way she looks up into his eyes, I can see that she is just as much consumed by him as I once was. It scares me.

“What a great idea, sweetie.” Neven says. “You must bring one of the guards though, or I shall fear every second you two are absent.”

“Isn’t that a bit overdramatic?” Embrie questions us, while walking towards us, into the kitchen.

“Not so much, Em. This world is a little scarier than where you are from. Although, I know you are familiar with crack heads, and ‘pimp daddies’ in your lands, here it is a bit different. A tad… supernatural. Dangerous. Everyone and everything is deceiving here.” Jones, thankfully, intervenes. 

Embrie’s face turns from mocking to pure curiosity, which is scarier in my opinion. I remember how curious I had been when I first arrived here. I had snuck away from Neven, when he had clearly warned me not to leave his sight. I had gotten us both in trouble with the gypsies. A vampire had bitten me. I had fallen in love with two men, creating a love triangle that left one man heartbroken. And worse of all, I had beaten myself up over everything, time and time again.

I cannot allow Embrie’s curiosity to get the best of her. I must show her what I can, by her side. I must tell her of my encounters, of my mistakes and discoveries. How in God’s name am I going to let my baby walk out there, into our world, to fulfill the prophecy? How selfish am I allowed to be?

Walking past Embrie and Jones I head for the back door, quickly looking over my shoulder to my daughter. “Come on, we will take a stroll. We don’t have long until night fall, and by then we will want to be indoors again.” I watch as her curiosity turns into anxiety and wonder. She bites her bottom lip nervously, making my lips twitch. I want to smile, but feel like it may be too soon for her. I may be too motherly. Too reassuring.

HIDDEN PROPHECY. (SEQUEL to Devoured Destiny)Where stories live. Discover now