Chapter 15

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<Austin's POV>

I walked back towards the lake kicking a rock into the water. I crouched down and grabbed my hair and started crying.

"Why?" I whisper yelled.

"Austin?" I heard a voice say. I turned and saw Lucy. I turned back and faced the lake. I started feeling rain drops. Great.

<Lucy's POV>

5 minutes earlier

I'm walking looking for Austin. I heard a russle and snapped my head in that direction. I saw Jason.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" I asked. He walked up to me. He grabbed my hand.

"I came to see you." He said.

"Oh. Okay. Why?" I said.

"I still love you." He said. He kissed me. It doesnt feel right. It feels like just a kiss. Nothing more. I pulled away about 4 seconds in.

"I'm sorry." I said shaking my head no. "I don't love you. I can't be with you." I said. He just nodded.

"You'll pay." He said. He walked away. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. I turned and started heading to the lake where Austin might be. I smiled. Than it soon faded when I saw Austin crying.

"Austin?" I asked. He turned to me and I felt rain drop patter on my head. I looked up and it started to pour.

"Austin! Let's go in side!" I yelled touching his shoulder. He pulled away from me.

"Okay! What the hell on your problem! I mean god damn!" I yelled.

"You really want to know?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Yes! Yes! I do!" I yelled.

"Your my problem! Why should I go back in with you when your gonna turn around and stick your tounge down Jason's throat." He yelled back. He was eyeing me. He looked hurt.

"Well clearly you didn't see anything after that! I stopped him! I don't love him! Why do you care anyway!" I yelled. It hurt to say the end.

"Maybe because I'm in love with you!" He yelled. I looked at him.

"Maybe I'm in love with you too." I said. A tear fell down my cheek. I started walking away when he grabbed my wrist. He spun me around into him. His arms around me.

"Do you mean it?" He asked. "You really love me?" He questioned.

"Absolutely." I said. He smiled. He cupped my cheek.

"I love you too." He said. I smiled. He pulled my closer smashing his lips to mine. My heart flipped. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. My fingers were playing in his hair. He deepened the kiss. Now he has a arm around my waist and the other holding my cheek. We both are soaking wet from the rain. Its freezing cold but I don't want to stop. This kiss feels amazing. He pulled away.

"My good girl." He said holding me closer.

"And my bad boy " I said. I moved my arms under his and hugged him. I nuzzled my head in his chest.

"Should we go inside?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." He said. He placed a kiss on my lips and we walked into the cabin. Some people were wet. Probably coming in from the rain. I grabbed new pajamas and went into the girls bathroom. I changed. I walked out.

"What's with the smile Luc? Piper and Zoe asked. I smiled even harder. They li iled at me.

"Tell us!" They yelled. I kept smiling. I couldn't stop. I saw Austin. He loomed at me and winked. I smiled even harder and I started blushing.

"If you don't tell me now I'm ripping off your boobs." Zoe said. We all laughed and I pulled them out to the porch.

"I sware if you guys start saying weird shit I'm going to hurt you." I said. They nodded.

"Okay! Tell us!" They said excited. I told them everything. From Jason to when I walked into the cabin. There mouths were in the 'o' shape than they squealed.

"Finally!" They yelled. I laughed. They squealed. I laughed. The bell signalling its time to go to bed rang. I walked in and laid on my bed thing. Austin laid right by me. The lights when out and he instantly wrapped his arm around my pulling me close. He kissed me.

"Night good girl." He said. I smiled.

"Night bad boy." I said. We kissed one last time before we let the darkness take over.

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