Chapter 4

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<Austin's POV>

I walk down the halls heading towards my locker. Some girls were staring at me so I winked and they practically screamed. I laughed than I saw Lucy and Piper hug. I walked up to them. Piper's eyes locked on mine than she smirked at Lucy.

"I have to get something from my locker." Piper said to Lucy walking away.

"But your locker is right here." Lucy said.

"My other locker." Piper yelled back.

"What other locker?" Lucy yelled. I chuckled. She turned to me. I smiled at her.

"Thanks again for last night." Lucy said.

"Stop. Stop saying thank you." I said. She smiled.

"So good girl. How was it last night?" I asked. She nodded.

"I calmed down after a while." She said. I smiled.

"That's good." I said. She smiled at me. I smiled back. She yanked her sleeves down more and I saw a cut on her neck.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." She said. I nodded not believing her. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. I saw her blush a little and look down. I smiled.

"So good girl. Where is my money for that ice-cream?" I asked.

"Psh. Its what you owe me for the car." She said with a smirk.

"I'm pretty sure that was no charge." I said cocking up an eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Well I lied." She said coping me. I rolled my eyes and heard her chuckle.

"Bitch!" We heard someone yell. We both snapped our heads to the direction of the scream. We saw a girl on the floor covered with coffee and Cindy covered in it to.

"If you so much as breath the same air as my I will make your life a living hell slut!" Cindy yelled she snapped her attention towards me and Lucy.

"I told you to stay away from him!" She yelled at Lucy. She came up and pushed Lucy out of the way making her fall on the ground. Logan came up with a coffee and Cindy took it from him and dumped it on Lucy. Lucy screamed.

"What the hell!" She yelled.

"Stay away." Cindy said. She grabbed my hand, but I pulled away. I looked at Lucy and helped her up. I walked to the girl with brown hair and eyes and helped her up too. I walked over to Cindy.

"Leave them alone." I said. Than I turned around and walked away.

<Lucy's POV>

I watched Austin walk away. I smiled a little did he just stick up for me. I saw Piper and she ran to me. She crouched down by me.

"What happened?" She asked. I looked at Cindy. She smirked at me. Than walked away. I rolled my eyes as Piper helped me up. Me and Piper ran to the girl.

'Hi. I'm Lucy Grant. This is Piper Shaw." I said helping the girl up. "Are you new?" I asked.

"Yeah. I started today. I'm Zoe Crawford. Thanks. I don't really have any friends so can I stay with you guys?" She asked.

"I don't know. I mean we are a two man group." I said. She looked down and me and Piper smiled at each other.

"But there is room for one more." I said. She looked up and smiled at us.

"So what's your schedule?" I asked. She showed me it.

"You have first, second, fourth, and seventh period with us." I said. She smiled at us. I locked my arms with Piper's and Zoe's arms and we all walked to the bathroom so me and Zoe could get cleaned up. I wiped my sweater off. I smiled at Zoe.

"So. Zoe. Tell us about you." I said. She looked at me.

"I'm 17. I have 2 older brothers. My parents are lesbian. They adopted me. I like the color purple." She said. I smiled at her.

"Your turn Pipes." I said.

"I'm 17. My dad left 2 in a half years ago. I'm an only child. My mom owns a ice-cream shop that me and Luc work at. You can work at too. I love the color green" Piper said. Zoe smiled and nodded.

"Now me. Um. My mom died 6 months ago from a car accident. I'm an only child. I live with me dad. I love the color blue." I said. She smiled. Piper looked at me. She gave me the 'tell her' look and I nodded.

"My dad abuses me. He did it ever since my mom died." I said. Zoe looked at me.

"I'm so sorry. You didn't have to tell me." She said. I smiled.

"Yeah I did. You are my friend right?" She nodded. I hugged her and cleaned my pants up a bit. I smiled at Zoe and Piper.

"Piper. Shall we show Zoe our spot?" I asked.

"Yes we shall." Piper said bowing. We all three laughed.

"Come on. Let's show you." I said. I walks out the bathroom. I linked my arms with Zoe and Piper and we all started walking to Piper and I's spot. I zoned out when I saw Austin. I looked at him and smiled. Than I mouthed thank you. He nodded and carried on with his business. I smiled about thinking how the bad boy stood up for me.

<Unknowns POV>
I heard the whole conversation between those losers. I smiled thinking how I can ruin their life with that information. Especially Lucy.

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