FTNCT |Chapter 15|

Start from the beginning

"Well okay, I'll text you guys when you get home and if you have any questions just give me a call."

"We'll be fine without your help." I said and then started walking down the path. I made sure not to look back but I was pretty sure the Sophia would be in shock. I felt bad but my hurt was overriding my love for my friend.

I walked to the nearby park and took out my gloves to wipe off the snow from the bench. I took a seat and found my but was freezing but it felt nice. The park was covered in a light layer of snow and the jungle gym looked more fun. I remembered my elementary school days in which we would all be rushing down slides filled with snow since they were slipperier. The memory put a smile on my face that was quickly wiped out when a snowball hit me.

"Oww," I cried turning around trying to find the culprit.

There was only a little girl with blonde pigtails standing behind me and the rest of the park remained empty as it had been minutes ago. I was really confused, was this girl the one had thrown the snowball at me? If so, how was I supposed to approach her?

"Sweetheart, did you throw a snowball at me?"

She nodded and spoke "My older brother said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers."

I cocked my eyebrows and moved closer so that I was leveled with her. "Did he now? What a smart brother you have."

The girl looked happy as she grinned showing me her two missing teeth. "Yeah, he's the best brother ever. He plays with me and told me to throw the snowball at you."

I took in this new piece of information. Clearly her brother was trouble but could be sweet since the little girl seemed smitten with him. "What's your brother's name?"

As the words barley left my mouth cold hands covered my eyes and shouted "Boo."

My eyes widened in surprised and I let out a blood curling scream trying to remove the hands over my eyes without any avail. Another hand covered my mouth as I struggled to break free my captor spoke. "Good job Darcy, now let's take her back to our hideout."

My mind started spinning like a clock. I was being kidnapped. I was too young to die. The little girl had clearly been part of his ploy which meant that he had been hiding and possibly watching us talk. This clearly wasn't called being creepy. My kidnapped forced me to walk and replaced his hands with an eye patch and mouth gagged. I tried struggling, kicking, punching but it seemed that nothing seemed to affect my kidnapper. He would merely yell 'ouch' sometimes but it felt like he was faking it to get me to hit him harder. It seemed that after about five minutes of walking we had arrived at our destination as I was pulled to a stop.

"Darcy, sweetheart, open the door for me. My hands are kind of full."

I snorted at his choice of words. How ironic. I was lead inside and too my utter surprise a wave of warmth hit me. I thought I would be it some cold, and dark place but from what I could tell which wasn't much it seemed far from it.

"Keep our guest entertained. I'll be back." The same voice spoke.

Tiny hands made weaved their way into mine and I was lead to what I presumed a sofa. It seemed my captors were nicer than I had predicted.

"So your name is Darcy?" I started.

"Yes, and I'm in grade 1. I don't really like it but my brother says that it will get better. I really miss kindergarten because there were a lot of toys but now I actually have to do work and it gets tiring. There is also this boy named Carter and he loves to tease me. He made my friend Mira cry and the teacher didn't do anything. I didn't tell my brother because he would make it too much of a big deal but still I don't know what to do." She kept rattling off.

I was amazed that someone in grade one had that much maturity. After a while my gags were removed and I got the chance to finally get a look at my surroundings. I seemed to be in a house. The walls were a rich brown with maroon sofas and a white coffee table. A warm beverage was placed in my hands and I looked up to see that it was Nick.

"Nick, what the hell is going on here?"

He had the sense to look a bit sheepish. "Drink the hot chocolate first Alana and then will talk. Darcy you can go back upstairs but just make sure not to disturb mom she had a late shift yesterday."

The little girl named Darcy nodded and went up the stairs. I went back to drinking my hot chocolate. It was delicious-almost as good and Dad's. Warmth spread throughout my body after I was done.

I glanced at Nick. He was sitting across me drinking hot chocolate as well. "Care to explain now?"

"Well, I was taking Darcy to the park because she really wanted to go when we both saw you alone sitting on the bench. You looked really lonely so I told Darcy to hit you with a snowball and let me do the rest. As Darcy was keeping you busy, I crept up and blindfolded you until you reached my house." He gestured around the place, "and here we are."

I glared at him. "Was it really necessary to 'kidnap' me?"

"Nope, Darcy just really likes adventures so I gave her one."

I was silent as I watched him sip the last remains of his hot chocolate.

"Why were you alone in the park?" He asked softly as his grey eyes met mine.

"I had a long day and I needed time to think."

"Want to talk about it, it helps sometimes." He said.

I thought about it. I could tell him, or I could keep it inside myself and slowly let it eat me away. "Did you know that Dillon and Sophia are a couple?" I blurted out.

He looked surprised for a second before he sighed. "Was this the thing that was eating you up?"

I nodded. "Did you know?"

He sighed again and looked back down to his feet. "Yes, I found out a couple of weeks before."

Wow, the knife just dug itself deeper in my chest. "You knew?!" My voice was a bit shrilly. Nick had known. Yet Sophia hadn't felt the need to inform nether Scarlett or me.

"I found out. Dillon didn't tell me. I went over to Dillon's house and saw them both together in his room. I could tell they were a couple without them saying anything."

Everything felt into place. The news that Devon and Dillon had fought at the Halloween party must have been over Sophia. The times she stayed up so late were probably talking to Dillon; he was probably the partner she had for her project. That day Scarlett and I saw her while I was showing her my house; she was probably at his house since it was in the same neighbourhood. The weird look that Dillon had on his face while Sophia was cuddling her teddy bear, a gift from him I would presume.

"But still! Sophia was supposed to be close to me, yet she didn't care to inform me about this special 'guy' in her life.

"Well maybe she felt that something would go wrong. It was pretty new for both of them. Maybe they were still happy to be in their secret bubble away from all the gossip and she had before with Devon. I can't make certain of anything and it will continue to bother you unless you clear the air with Sophia herself."

I made sense. With a new plan in mind, one that would entail me directly speaking to Sophia in mind formed. Surprisingly my heart to heart with Nick had made me feel better. It made the love that I already had for him to grow. Who knew that he was such a great listener and wonderful at giving advice?

Nick shook me from my thoughts as he held up a hand to grab. "Come on, let's walk you back home."

Sufficient to say, my day had turned 180 degrees in the right way.


Oooo la la. There seems to be a new couple in town:P So did you guys expect that Dillon and Sophia were together or were you imagining Alana with Dillon? All of my previous foreshadowing finally made sense! Did you guys like the scene with Nick and Alana? Comment or vote if you want to see more. Thanks you guys for getting this story to 2.4k reads. 

Stay tuned next week for the new chapter!


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