The Three Threat Trio

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I hadn't expected to wake up to a llama neighing - did llamas neigh? Whinny? I didn't care enough to know - at all.

My head thudded, and I groaned, slumping back in bed. Delirious in sleep, I didn't care about the llama in our room.

Until it bit me.

"Ow!" I screeched, my legs shooting back and away from the menace. It stared up at me, unimpressed and bored. "Whatever...llama." I muttered. It made a llama noise and nudged me out of bed. When I tried to back away, another one was behind me.

"Uh - one sec guys - FROST!" I screamed. Where was she when needed?


Of course.

The llamas grunted,and made me move forwards. I did reluctantly. "What is your problem?" I hissed. The llamas did not respond. Frost got up and grunted. She wiped her eyes a few times. "What?" She snapped tiredly. "Um, there's llamas here kidnapping me." She yawned. "Yeah, whatever." Frostbite turned to her side.

These were the people I considered my friends.


She grumbled and got up.
"Oh." She looked with widened eyes, running her hands through her hair. "Is this some kinda prank?" Then her mouth tightened. "Dormant!" I looked at her blankly. "Are you okay...?" She shushed me instead of answering.

The llamas disappeared. "The hell?!" I was genuinely confused. Frost brushed it off. "Later." I frowned, bringing my gaping mouth together. "There won't be one." She blinked. "Oh yeah..." She looked over at me and sighed. "Hallucinations...I don't know. I always thought that was Delirium's thing..." I blinked. "You're...dual?" She shrugged. "I had my energy-contraction powers from the moment I was born. These...they started this year." I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows. "That's weird." Frost leaned forwards, glaring. "Don't you dare tell anyone, Shift, I will hurt you badly." I nodded, pulling my hand up and feigning as though I were zipping it shut, locking it and throwing away the key. Frost smiled. "Good."

And then she ran into the bathroom to get ready because - by her standards alone - she was now late for the day.

By the time Frost was finished getting ready, I had slipped on a red tank, the leather black vest with these really cool buttons and zippers and just all out glory, some jeans, and red sneakers. I grabbed a red bracelet. Why not go all out? I'd made my hair straightened and brown today. I liked it.

"I'm leaving, Frost!"

She was too busy singing.

"If I were your boyfriend,
Never let you go!"

I rolled my eyes. This girl and her outdated music, man. I slammed the door shut. I slid down the banister of the stairs of the first floor, reaching the lobby in a manner of seconds. I ignored the headache.

And there stood Sin.

I realized his hair was curly and had a hint of brownish blonde. Strange how I had gotten his entire appearance wrong. He was pale. His hair was black or brown, and was in dreadlocks, which he somehow made work. But his eyes were the same. Piercing gray eyes.


"Shift." I helped him.

"Shift! Yeah."

"Okay then, Sin." I waved and began to march ahead. "Hey, wait!" I glanced back. "Do you have Advil?" I shrugged. "Upstairs, medicine cabinet, bro." I internally winced at the word bro. Yikes. Sin thankfully didn't seem to notice or at least didn't comment and rushed upstairs. I continued my way. Everything from the night before was fuzzy.

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