Ch.18 the Call and blessings

Start from the beginning

"Thank you professor." I said going to their house with Percy behind me.
"Why did we come here?" Percy asked.
"We need to get them a hospital bag. Clothes, toothbrush, baby stuff, car seat, and other stuff plus we could start cleaning up for when they get home." I explained

"Okay I'll get Paul's stuff, the car seat and start cleaning the living room, you get the baby's stuff, Sally's stuff and you clean the kitchen. Deal." Percy stated the game plan.
"Deal." I agreed running up to the nursery. I grabbed a baby bag, I packed it with two baby out fits, one had a pink ruffled dress and cute white socks, the second was a sea-foam green onesie with a pink sea-horse on it. I grabbed a bottle and some dippers, I also packed a blanket. When I was done I went into Sally's room and grabbed some black leggings and a long, white T-shirt. I also packed some blue jeans, and an orange long sleeve shirt. I grabbed a jacket and some house shoes. I put in her toothbrush, hair brush, and some hair ties. I put all of that into a duffle bag and rand downstairs. I cleaned off the counters, did the dishes and put away all the sharp stuff that could potentially hurt Emerson. I walked into the living room to see Percy recording some good T.V shows and movies. I told him to come on. I grabbed the bags, while he grabbed the car-seat, and my school bag. I hauled a taxi, and told him to take us to the nearest hospital.
******* baby has arrived****
Percy's POV
My baby sister, Emerson Atalanta Blofis, was born at 4:37 p.m on February 26. I sat in the hospital room holding my little sister. She had caramel brown hair, like Paul's, and the eyes that change color in the light like my mom's. Her skin was so soft, and her touch was so gentle. I have never seen something so small, so innocent.
When her hand grabbed my finger, I couldn't help but smile at her. She saw my face and she smiled back. I tickled her tummy and she giggled a cute, little laugh. I handed her back to my mom and walked to get something to eat, with Annabeth. We were talking and I accidentally ran in to someone.
"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was-" I paused when I noticed the familiar sandy blonde hair and blue eyes and a really bright smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"I am the god of medicine so I'm checking up on stuff." I looked around and saw a familiar 12 year old looking girl with auburn hair that was in braids walking towards us.
"Artemis what are you doing here?" I asked
"I'm the goddess of child birth, and I helped your mom with the baby. We have to talk to all of you guys, like now." She said annoyingly.
"Okay, let's go then." I said walking back to the room.
"Artemis, why is Larkin at Hogwarts?"Annabeth asked
"Larkin, is a strong hunter but she got on the good side of the wizards and we need their alliance for the war coming."
"Oh okay! Then will you tell us what the silvery mist stuff is?" I asked hoping to catch them off guard.
"Yea it that thing that you dri- ow" Apollo said getting a hard gab in the gut by Artemis elbow.
"Here we are." Annabeth said.
"Good, hello Mr. and Mrs.Blofis. I am here to talk about Emerson. While Apollo is going up to Olympus to get things ready. While he dose that I'm going to tell you important things you need to know." She said very sternly.
"Okay." My mom said.
"One, today is the 26th so on the 28th, I will be at your house at 7:00, to take all of you to Olympus for the blessings.
Two, I'm sorry to tell you this but I think she is apart of a prophecy. Third, there is a dance at Hogwarts for the 7th years, that there families are invited you are asked to attend with the baby. Are we clear?" Artemis said fixing her braids.
"Yes." Annabeth said. Artemis nodded and flashed out.
*the morning of the blessings*
Sally's POV
Emerson is getting blessed today and she is going to be wearing her white little dress with the golden belt, she will be wearing soft socks and little gold shoes, I put a little white bow with golden sequins in her hair. She looked adorable. We took millions of photos, and put her in her carrier. We buckled her in while. Percy put the stroller in the trunk. The ride was almost tolerable, Percy and Annabeth kept talking, waking up the baby then Annabeth would calm her down and get her back to sleep. When we finally got there I took her out of her car seat. I put her in her stroller and Percy rolled her to the receptions desk.
"600th floor please."Annabeth said
"Doesn't exist lady."
"I'm the architect of Olympus and my boyfriend over there is Percy Jackson. Oh and we have an appointment."
"Here you go." He said Giving Annabeth the key. We all got into the elevator. Emerson giggled at the classical music. I guess she liked it.

When we got to the top Percy pushed Emerson's stroller, as we followed Annabeth to the throne room. We walked in and Emerson was quickly snatched by a Nymph and placed into a basket with soft silk looking fabric. The nymph walked out of the room and we walked closer to the gods.

Percy's POV

Zeus walked up to Emerson and picked her up. He placed a finger on her chest and said "I bless you with the power of lightning." He said boldly. Emerson's skin glowed a golden light. Then Hades approached her and took her from Zeus. He placed his finger on her chest and said, " I bless you with the power of shadow travel." now Emerson was glowing a black light mixed with the golden light. Poseidon practically ran to her and placed a finger on her chest and said," I bless you with the powers of a demigod of Poseidon." Blue light mixed in the the colors. Athena came up to her and placed a finger on her forehead and said,"I bless this child with Wisdom, and battle strategy." Ares came up and and put his finger on her arm."I bless you with strength." Hera walked up and placed a finger over Emerson's heart and said "I bless this child with shape shifting." Aphrodite blessed her with Charmspeak and a good sense of fashion. Artemis blessed her with hunting skills, and gave her a silver bow and a quiver full of arrows. Apollo gave her musical talents and healing. Hermes gave her a talent for pranks, flying shoes and free shipping. Demeter gave her the power over plants and a love of plants. Dionysus gave her a hero's destiny. Heaphatus blessed her with a talent with mechanics and power of fire. Hestia made her, her Champion which gave her power of the hearth and home cooked meals when ever she liked. Hecate gave her a magic boost. when everyone blessed her she surrounded with different colors of lights. Hecate gave her to my mom and my mom put her in the basket and the colors disappeared we put her in the stroller and left.

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