Chapter Eighteen

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Speeding along, my lovely readers!

Chapter Eighteen: The Family Under The Sea

Point of View: Third Person

After Percy gets over his shock, he has to vote along with the council on a few matters. He abstains from four of the eleven they have on the agenda, and that raises eyebrows. But he answers yes or no on the rest of them. He ends up making seven of the eleven have to be retaken later and Zeus is upset about it.

"Look, half of what you're telling me deals with my domains and I have a conscience, unlike you. I feel humans need a shove in the right direction if you want to have a world to rule. If you don't like my opinion, then you shouldn't have made me a god. Pollution needs to be put to an end and voting against half of the minor gods involved won't help that." Percy growls. "So let them do their jobs."

"He has a point." Demeter tells her little brother.

Zeus huffs in anger. "Fine. All in favor of Perseus's idea?" All hands go up this time.

Then, five minutes later. "Will you stop abstaining?!" Zeus has a fit.

"No, I refuse to vote on murder. Especially if there isn't an innocent choice and there hasn't even been a trial. It's wrong and unjust and I will not punish a man who could be innocent." Percy puts his foot down. "Until you prove to me he's guilty, by a fair judge and jury with witnesses that aren't bloodthirsty, then I will keep abstaining on the matter."

After a four hour trial, the man is, indeed, innocent and he grovels before Percy. "Thank you, Lord Perseus. You are so kind and wonderful."

Percy looks down at the man and sighs. "You're welcome, but please don't call me 'Lord.' I absolutely loathe formalities. They aren't my thing and I couldn't care less for my title. I never wanted it anyway. Just go home to your wife and kids."

"Thank you!" He bows to Percy again and then the council, running out.

"There!" Zeus shouts. "He's innocent."

"Yes, as I knew." Percy nods.

"How?" Zeus grumbles.

"I'll keep that to myself for now." Percy murmurs.

Zeus huffs, rolls his eyes, and continues the meeting.

Ten minutes later, Percy has annoyed the sky god yet again.

"If you vote no one more time, I'll strip you of your powers!" Zeus threatens.

"You think I care?" Percy rolls his eyes.

"Fine! What is wrong this time?!" Zeus hisses.

"Let's see, you'd be destroying your own sister's and wife's shrine and a piece of her power by taking away the magic in the area, not to mention take away the blessing your other sister gave to the crops of that land. And all for some petty grudge on a satyr who accidentally tripped like most satyrs happen to do in fake feet, saving a demigod, and he broke a small statuette of you. And you want to kill the magic and crops in that area because he is trying to save another demigod? What do you think my problem is?" Percy speaks viciously.

"Hmph. Who is for the motion?" Zeus asks, raising his hand. The only hand. "Who is against it?" Everybody else raises their hands. "Pardoned." Zeus says.

A few minutes later, and Percy's hand goes up to abstain this time instead of yes like he was before.

"Why did you change your mind? We would have had this solved if you didn't!" Zeus spits.

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