Chapter Eight

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Anyways, without further ado, my lovely readers......

Chapter Eight: Spending Time Together

Point of View: Third Person

"Oh this is so exciting! We could go shopping you know!" Sally laughs and looks excited as she hits it off with Julia.

Paul walks over to Percy and drags him to the living room. Salem, not knowing what to do, follows after them and stays in the hallway to give both people their privacy, but he does overhear Paul's half of the conversation.

Paul has an arm around Percy's shoulders and stands with him for a few minutes before sighing and sitting on the couch with him. He holds Percy to him and begins to talk with Percy, even if the other party doesn't really 'talk.'

"I am glad you made your mother happy, Percy. She has been so fragile, so worried. Especially over having this child. She has missed you so much and I think you made her day several times over. I haven't seen her this happy since before Hera...Well, you know. But when you came home that day, I think you broke her heart, now she's healing with you. The moment you talk or heal completely, along with the baby coming, she might actually be like she was before, but with two kids instead of one." Paul tells him.

Percy signs something that stomps on a piece of Paul's heart and crushes it. 'I don't know if I can speak anymore. Not just because of my heart being shattered and my soul obliterated, but because it has been so long. It might not be physically possible. I haven't done anything than quiet breathing, Paul. I don't think I have the ability to voice words anymore. I don't have the heart to tell mom either. I am so sorry. I really am.'

Paul lets a single tear slide down his face before holding Percy closer. "It's okay. I understand and Im sure she will too." He sniffles. "You know, I suppose I should talk about the normal stuff." He chuckles a little watery. "You won't be ignored because of your little sibling, we'll still love you just the same." Percy decides not to interrupt and let Paul be a father to him as he rambles on. "Your little brother or sister will surely adore you and count on you the most. It'll love you more than your mom and I in the end because we'll be gone and they'll turn to you. You're capable, I know, and I trust you and love you." Percy rests his head on Paul's shoulder as he listens contentedly for once to someone talk, rather than replying. He ends up nodding off, more tired than usual.

Paul seems to notice and smiles warmly at Percy. He rests his head on Percy's and stays quiet as he let's Percy sleep on him. He didn't know how much Percy loved him, but seeing him now, in his current state and the way he just let go with him, he believes he knows just how much. He has always seen Percy as his own and never really thinks any different. He understands Percy calling him Paul, but he wishes he would call him dad or something. 

Sally and Julia, along with Salem, come in and stop giggling, covering their mouths, as they see the scene. Julia takes out her phone and snipes a couple photos before returning it to her pocket. Sally has tears in her eyes and walks over, sitting down on Paul's lap. 

"He normally doesn't mess with his routine. I am surprised he fell asleep at all." Salem shrugs.

"Please, sit down if you'd like." Sally smiles welcomingly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Blofis." Julia whispers loudly and she and Salem sit on the other couch.

"Will you get that picture developed for me, dear?" Sally asks Julia.

"Absolutely." Julia grins. 

"Where would you like to go? There are tons of things to do here and in the city." Sally asks.

"That museum..." Julia starts.

After about two hours, Percy's eyes flutter open and he looks around to see everyone talking and making plans. "How long are you even staying?" Paul asks, no one ever knows when the silent party wakes, Percy's chest heaves with a silent sigh.

"According to Percy, about three days." Salem informs him.

Percy sits up, scaring the life out of Paul and Sally. He stretches and looks at Julia. 'What are we doing?' He signs.

"Going to a couple museums and then back here." Julia explains easily. 

'Okay.' Percy says and stands up.

~Eight Hours Later~

"That was fun!" Salem declares, announcing it to the world.

"I agree!" Julia giggles in the back, sitting in between Percy and Salem while Paul drives wit hSally in the front seat. 

'I liked it.' Percy shrugs.

Sally smiles at her son's expressing his feelings a little more. Well, expressing his feelings at all really. "I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much."

"And so thoroughly. You are easier than some students I teach." Paul compliments them.

They get back to the apartment and talk about school and how they met and all that. They learn more and more about each other and just relax. They eat dinner and Julia sleeps in Percy's room while Percy and Salem sleep in the living room on the couches. They converse in Percy's way.

'Your parents are amazing, Percy.' Salem signs.

Percy stares at the ceiling before looking back and signing, 'I know, I just wish I could feel for them. i have been resigned for so long, it is hard to come back. Even with Julia.'

'I know, but your mom absolutely loves you to pieces. Can't you do something for her?' Salem asks.

Percy knows it is a personal question and so does Salem, but Percy answers it, reluctantly so. 'I want to, but I don't know howto really make her happy. I'd have to think about it. If there is one thing I feel a little more around my parents, it's content. But it will turn to happiness one day.'

'What were you and your dad talking about? I mean before.' Salem inquires.

'I told him my voice hasn't been used in so long, it might not matter if I heal completely. My mother might not ever hear it again. Then he was talking to me about the baby.' Percy answers.

'Oh. I hope it's a healthy one.' Salem looks a little awkward, too far in.

'Me too. Thanks. Goodnight, Salem.' Percy turns over and hears, "Goodnight." Before he closes his eyes and falls into the merciless world of nightmares that haunts him every night of demigod his life.

I will update soon, my lovely readers Until next chapter!

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