Chapter Thirteen

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Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala. Off you go, my lovely readers!

Chapter Thirteen: Julia's Heart

Point of View: Third Person

~Three Months Later~

Percy was cleared by the end of the month of December, spending Christmas in his little hospital room with his family, postponing the Christmas party his fiends were going to have until New Years', when he got to return to the dorm, as long as Salem and Julia always helped him and he could never be left alone until the doctors deemed it safe. 

Even with the little space, Percy enjoyed having Christmas with Sally and Paul in the hospital room. Sally sang for Percy again, her beautiful voice always making him feel better. Julia and Salem went home to spend Christmas with their families. And after Percy and all his friends have their Christmas and New Years' party when he comes back, he's going to meet Julia's family like he was supposed to earlier until she opened up the gates. She shed light on his darkest corner.

The Christmas party at the dorm he and his friends had was almost exactly what the doctor ordered. Percy didn't mope like Julia and the others have to watch out for, he was smiling the whole entire time. They made him talk a lot and found out that he could sing, just like his mother. His voice amazing and they made him feel loved. The rest of them also got to know all about him like Salem and Julia, when he broke down and spoke for the first time in ages. They accepted it and made him feel all the better, cherished, welcomed.

He met Julia's parents, no siblings. She's an only child. They adored him and he enjoyed meeting them. He and Julia talked about their parents the whole way up and back. 

But now, they are back in school and he is still not allowed to be alone because of the grief, guilt, and everything else that fights his heart constantly. But it gets better everyday because of his friends. When he started talking, it surprised everybody. He is overly emotional too, and dangerously so. But he never lets anyone but his friends see his episodes. Whether of rage, depression, or pain. They favor the happy episodes when they go places, which is often to help him heal easier and faster.

Percy gets the items in the mail and makes sure they are properly taken care of. 

By the end of the school year, Percy is so much better and far more carefree. They end the year with a bang and make plans for the summer when all of them are free. But Percy is spending most of his time with Julia and his parents. He's really excited about his little sibling, who he found out was his baby sister. Sally is almost ready to have the baby. In fact, she's due the week before he goes back to school and he likes school, so he wishes the summer would start already so he can spend time with his friends and family, and then end so he could get to see his baby sister and start school again.

A month into the summer though, Percy finally takes Julia to Camp Half-Blood. She meets everyone and they are all so happy for Percy. It gives them hope that they, too, can find happiness. But at the end of the visit, he takes Julia to a graveyard somewhere in New York before they return to the house for the day and leave tomorrow to go visit Julia's family again. He ends up crying the rest of the day after seeing them and laying flowers on them.

Then, two weeks before school starts, Sally's water breaks and Paul is at work. Percy and Julia drive Sally to the hospital, Percy driving Paul's other car. By the end of the day, Percy gets to hold two babies instead of one. He's ecstatic. He gets a baby sister and a baby brother to love. His little sister came out first and the day he goes back to school, he's overjoyed. 

I'll end this chapter here, my lovely readers!

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