Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: The Signing

Point of View: Third Person

Percy woke up that next morning early, like he usually does. He wanted to do something special to make his mother happy. So, he walks in and shakes her gently, not waking up Paul in the slightest. Sally smiles when she sees it's Percy and he begins to pull her out of bed. She nods and he lets go, understanding he wants to talk, communicate, with her alone. 

He leaves and enters the kitchen where set everything out for what he hopes she's up for. This is his only way of really spending time with just her and something he can actually enjoy while doing it, along with her enjoyment of the activity.

She comes in after getting dressed and her eyes pop open wide. Before she can say anything after getting over her speechless shock, he holds up his hand to sign at her. 'Do you want to bake with me, mom?'

Her eyes tear up a little and she nods in a fast motion. She walks up and hugs him, Percy managing to raise the arm again and hold her close to him.

They bake all day and have the others try out everything they make, only stopping to eat lunch and dinner they make with the others.

~A Week Later~

They ended up staying for a whole week, and in that time, Julia got Percy to open up a lot more for his mother. Sally was bursting with joy all week and had such enthusiasm that even Paul was in a great mood the entire time. He even was able to fully embrace his mother, just not as tightly as he used to when he always loved coming home and could hug her tight, knowing she was safe.

Now, they are at the book signing and Percy sits there, signing copies all day at the convention, then has to sit in an auditorium listening to speeches about how right he was and that how excited and eager everyone is to get started on the search for new species and more facts about marine life. That they would love it if he would join them every once in a while or if he ever finds anything else his father left him to please publish it or something.

All day, it went on and on and on. Percy, not being able to speak, just ignored it, until they wanted him to come up on stage. He walks up, unsure if they want him to speak or not, which would be a tremendous problem if they do. 

"Young man," The older scientist puts an arm around Percy's shoulders. "It is our grand pleasure to announce that when you reach your senior year, you will receive a $100,000 scholarship to whatever college you go to. And that you are now an official member of our organization." Then in a lower voice so nobody hears, "The items for being a member will be sent to you in the mail. You should get them after school is back in when the holidays have calmed down." Percy nods and goes back to his seat.

~In The Hotel

They get this suite that the seminar paid for that way they could all stay together in one room. Percy is old enough to be the adult of the group and assures the clerk that everything will be perfectly fine. They all get their own bed and settle down on the couch to talk about the day's events.

"So, how boring was that?" Salem groans. 

"Pretty boring. For a minute there, I thought they were going to try to get Percy to speak." Julia giggles.

'We get to go to my camp, are you sure you want to go? I can always drop you guys back off and then go.' Percy signs.

"We want to see your other friends." Julia smiles.

Percy searches her eyes and then studies Salem. 'Then I have to explain everything to you. Why I am really like this, why I turned into an emotionless bastard, and why it is so hard to crawl out of this hole I was thrown in. You'll most likely hate me for it, call me insane, and stop liking me, but if you are going, then you need to know.'

"Percy?" Julia asks.

His chest heaves a sigh, but it is silent. 'Julia, I am so sorry, but you need to know. You deserve to know. So does Salem. I will tell the others next time, at our little party, if you still want me around after my explanation.'

"Dude, you're freaking me out. What are you talking about?" Salem speaks up.

'Promise you won't speak or ask questions until I am finished?' Percy signs.

"Promise." Salem nods.

"Cross my heart." Julia agrees, nodding as well.

'First of all, my real dad isn't even dead. He wasn't lost at sea either. My father is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Like, the Greek myths. They are all true. He had me with my mom and after twelve years of my life, I came to this camp that finally got it into my thick skull he actually existed. So, my first six years were spent trying to prepare for a war against my grandfather, Kronos. The Titan of Time, the Crooked One. ' Percy goes on to explain everything down to the last detail for them, all the way up to coming home for the first time after the wars, emotionless and empty and cold, to where he broke his mother's heart. He even tells them about the times up to until he took Julia's hand in the hallway. 'And I know all of you are clear-sighted, it means you can see the things in the mythological world, but since you grew up not really believing and not really looking all that much, your brains blocked it all out. The reason you don't see monsters now, is because there aren't too many left at the moment.'

Salem's jaw had dropped while Julia remained mainly expressionless throughout the entire thing.

'And before I got with Julia, I was going to accept the gift the gods were offering me.' He admits and turns to Julia. 'I was waiting to make my decision on whether or not to decline based on your reaction to knowing my background and I am so very, truly, deeply sorry for not telling you sooner. I have learned to keep my guard up, but you have done something to me and are bringing down my walls.'

See their reactions in the next chapter, my lovely readers!

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