"Midnight texting? Lucas Hemmings, tell me more" she sing sang and Luke shook his head.

"No, absolutely not. I heard you plague Tim about how he should text that girl he was interested in and he told me the text ended up being a novel. I'm not telling because you will snoop" Luke said as sternly as he could, which was not sternly at all.

"Come on! I just want to know who it is and what you have" she said and winked, making Luke roll his eyes again. "I won't interfere, I just want to hear some gossip about you"

"Gossip, really?" Luke asked and Lexi nodded her head, making Luke sigh before deciding to just tell her.

"His name is Ashton-"

"Ashton. Fascinating name," Lexi spoke and Luke raised one eyebrow up, "Sorry, continue"

So Luke continued and told Lexi about how he had met Ashton and how he has a daughter that was a great friends with Leon. He told her about how they had met up for their kids play date and how he had met him at the restaurant yesterday and Ashton had walked him home.

Lexi was grinning widely and Luke almost felt uncomfortable after a while.

"He seems adorable," Lexi spoke after a while, smiling big, "And hot"

"He is" Luke said and smiled proudly because Luke was texting and hanging out with a very hot guy.

"Have you guys done anything yet?" Lexi asked and Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it as in; have you guys done anything yet?" she repeated, looking at Luke like she was sending him some secret message.

"He kissed my cheek yesterday" Luke said while shrugging carelessly, though the blush on his cheeks gave him away.

"Oh, you're still on the Disney princess fairytale level" Lexi spoke and nodded her head understandingly, only making Luke even more confused.

"Disney princess fairytale--- You know what, never mind" Luke said and waved his hand in dismissal before taking another order he saw was getting in.

"Why are you still taking orders?" Lexi asked as she jumped down from the counter and fixed her waitress apron.

"Because that's kind of our job" Luke said and turned to Lexi with a humorous expression. She rolled her eyes.

"No, I mean why are you still working? You know your shift ended 11 minutes ago, right?"

"No it didn't," Luke said and glanced at the clock with furrowed eyebrows. "My shift ends at 1"

"It say on the board in the hallway that your shift ends 11 and May is taking over after you" And just like that, May stepped into the kitchen with her blonde hair and blue streaks, grinning big at all of them.

"Oh, then I can go home?" Luke asked and Lexi chuckled before grabbing a plate.

"That's kind of what you do after you end work for the day" she said before waving a goodbye and turned to get to the restaurant to serve the food.

Luke fist bumped the air discretely before walking over to his phone that was charging in the corner of the kitchen. He checked the screen and saw he had one missed call from Ashton and raised his eyebrows up in surprise.

"Bye guys" Luke mumbled to the people in the kitchen before walking out and over to the changing rooms. He quickly undressed and then dressed in normal jeans and t-shirt before calling Ashton back.

"Hey Luke" a voice answered only after two beeps.

"Hi," Luke breathed out and he almost felt a bit pathetic as he was smiling big when hearing Ashton's happy voice speak to him through his phone. "You called?"

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