Thrain II is the final child and only son of Fili Durin. His dark blonde hair and blue eyes set him apart from the crowds, along with the charming smile that sets every woman's heart a-racing. But, in the end, it is Ty, child of Ori, that captures his heart after the final battles over Middle Earth. Also not a part of the Fellowship, he helps the warriors whenever he can, taking part in the battles of Pelennor Fields and Middle Earth alongside his large family.

An exemplification of Thrain II Durin:

"I must insist, Pyrhhin, that you keep your hands to yourself. I know I'm simply irresistible, but the whole incest thing is quite a challenge to overcome," Thrain remarks with his famous and noteworthy grin. I am quite disgusted by his words of familial pairing, having only touched his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. I was trying to be nice, now look where it got me.

"Get over yourself! The only reason women look at you is because of your lack of facial hair," I respond with a slight growl, much like my father's. Thrain looks far from offended at these words, a smile painting his every feature.

"Ouch, cousin! That hurts, right here," he dramatizes, pointing to his chest and over his heart. He is such a drama queen, nevermind a flirt.

~~~~~~~~~Kili Durin and Tauriel~~~~~~~~~~

The controversial couple's first child is a daughter of the name, Ruelin, after Erudian Houdart. Though unlike the Queen in appearance, with her dark brown hair and brown eyes, she perfectly mirrors the famous Phoenician in feistiness and sassiness. That's what makes her courting of Mirkwood's prince, Legolas Greenleaf, all the more surprising, as it is well known that the relationship between Leggy and Rue is more than just hostile. But as a journey goes, her partaking in the Fellowship brings the two into closer corridors and friendship, ultimately resorting to love by adventure's end.

An exemplification of Ruelin Durin:

"They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!" Legolas exclaims loudly from his place atop the hill. I have no clue as to why he is yelling, for the remainder of us are merely feet away. Before I can go to condemning him, Ruelin does just that.

"Good grief! Are you trying to deafen us, or is it that you want the Uruk Hai to hear us?! Gimli, I think the shrub's gone deaf!" Ruelin exclaims, using her nickname for the elf. It takes all I have not to laugh at her words, seeing as they resemble my mother's.

"You're just as loud as I am," Legolas responds as we begin to run again, taking his place next to Ruelin. Even though they deny it on a daily basis, the two of them obviously share an attraction for one another.

"And you're just as annoying," Ruelin replies easily, and without regard that she just called herself irritating. Is this really my family?

"Touche," Legolas concludes after a short silence. If not obvious before, the elf and dwarf are meant to be, equally as annoying and agreeing in large part.

Typhon II is the second and final child of Kili and Tauriel. Just as his sibling took after his father, Typhon takes directly after his mother with hazel eyes and auburn, red hair. Unlike his sister, Typhon is not a warrior, but a lover of books and peace. For this very reason, Typhon does not join the Fellowship, but fights at the battles of Pelennor Fields and Middle Earth. Not long afterwards, he marries his greatest company, Gin, the child of Bofur and Bee.

An exemplification of Typhon II Durin:

"Will you tell me more about the Shire's history, Master Baggins?" Typhon asks Bilbo, a look of excitement gleaming in his eye. "I am taking to a new project on hobbit culture. I think I'll call it 'Large Feet and Old Toby.'"

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