"No need to rush the ladies, the day the goddesses kills the fairies is close at hand." Sugarboy smirked.

Hughes grinned. "They think they're tough, but those fairies don't stand a chance against them. They're toast, you'll see."

Biro did his creepy laugh again. "I've had enough of that laugh of yours Biro." Pantherlily said as he appeared up to the group.

"There you are Pantherlily." Erza commented. "I can't stand the sound of it. It grates my nerves." Pantherlily frowned. (This is Pantherlily, Captain of the Edolas Royal Army's First Magic Warfare Unit.)

"What's your deal man?" Hughes complained. "You always walk around acting like you're better than the rest of us, well guess again."

"You'd be wise to watch you mouth." Pantherlily glared at Hughes. "Hmm you're in a foul mood, aren't you." Sugarboy said. Pantherlily growled and walked off.

"It seems he's displeased by the recent increase of amourment." Erza commented. "Well as a military man himself, he should be elated." Sugarboy said.

"One might think, but our kingdom has nearly unified the entire world. I have to admit, I don't see any reason for us to further build our arsenal either." Erza stated.

Sugarboy glanced at her. "Perhaps it has something to do with the pockets of resistance still out there."

"We're perfectly capable of handling them ourselves." Erza stated.

Hughes groaned. "Oh come on, would you guys speak in plain English for once? I don't understand a thing you're saying."

Xena smirked, though it was covered by the bandages. She sighed and walked away from the others.

Hughes glanced at her and raised a brow. "What's with her? She's totally way quieter than normal." Erza narrowed her eyes at Xena's retreating figure. "I'm not sure, but maybe she's just having an off day."

Xena walked on as she remembered her time at the Fairy Tail guild and who she saw there.

'What is Natsu doing here? Why wasn't he turned into a giant lacrima with the others? I can't let his presence disturb me from my mission.' Xena's eye watered and she cried. 'But I missed him so much.' She rubbed the tears away. 'I need to stay strong and save everyone!' Xena glared in determination, ready to face the obstacles and defeat her enemies.

~Castle Conference Room~

"It's as the legend's foretold, we have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the magic the Earthland wizards possess comes from within their very bodies." Biro explained.

"They're much like the exceeds in that regard." Sugarboy hummed in thought. "Careful not to inflate their abilities, the exceeds are more powerful." Biro warns him.

Xena clenches her fists in anger. 'Never underestimate your enemies, you damn lizard.'

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