Chapter 7: The Mysterious Voice

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"I'm not going to stay like this forever, y'know, mum!"

"I don't care dear, my house, my rules. Now get into that apron!" With that, Nagisa was tied to his apron strings, and washing the laundry that was left over from the previous day.

"But mum, we even have a washing machine! Why do I have to do this?" Nagisa complained.

"Because, I think you look cute like that and I'll get a rare photo opportunity,"  Hiromi said in reply. 'Really? Because I look cute? Sod this.'

"Now, I'm going to start lunch soon, report back to me once you've finished okay?"

The next half hour was spent washing clothes and making Nagisa's hand go red raw from the slowly freezing water, and grate he sometimes rubbed his hand against by accident. At this point, however, Nagisa's phone went off. It was Karma.

"Yo Nagisa. Wanna come and hang out with us at my house?"

"Whos us?"

"Me, rio, sugino, terasaka, chiba and kanzaki"

"Sure just a sec"

"Mum I'm heading out!" Nagisa called out.

"Alright, but you're coming back to finish that later!" 'Ever since I started to dress up as a girl, of my 'own free will', mum had started treating me much more like a person. Perhaps being a girl has more than one benefit.'

Deciding today, to don an outfit of a red and black 'Slipknot' t-shirt and a pair of girls denim shorts, he set off down the road to Karma's house with a bag of cookies, his phone and wallet. 'Why don't these shorts have pockets? Argh. I took pockets for granted so much!'  Along the way he literally bumped into Kaede, and after saying a quick "Hi!" He set off again. Upon arriving at Karma's house, he rang the bell, but the door wasn't answered for a full twenty or something seconds. Karma beckoned upstairs, and Nagisa entered the room. He felt a hand or a cloth cover his mouth and nose, and then everything went black...


Nagisa awoke to find himself bound to a chair, he couldn't move his arms or legs. Suddenly a voice filled the room. It had been put through a filter, and Nagisa couldn't see the origin of it, so he decided to just listen.

"Nagisa Shiota. Are you a boy or a girl?"

'What should I say? The police station is entirely different. Should I try to maintain my cover? Should I be truthful? Oh god. Why am I even here?'

"Nagisa Shiota. Are you a boy or a girl?"

"I'm a girl!"

"Are you really?"

"Yes!" 'Oh god that was the wrong thing to say.'

"You must tell us the truth." 

'Should I continue like this? Try to keep the cover? Why not? I'll seem like a liar if I turn back now. Even if they find out my true gender, at least I held to my argument. I mean, what've I got to lose?'

"I am!"

"I see. So you want to be a girl?" 'Oh shit.'


"But you just told us you did."


"No, I meant that as a defence against strangers! Who are you?!"

"Who are we? We are omnipresent, we control your life and factor into your life every single day. We are,"

The lights went on, blinding Nagisa. Multiple silhouettes, could be seen, a gang of about fifteen to twenty people. The filtering stopped, as a familiar voice rang through the room declaring that they were:

"Class 3-E!"

'WHAT?!'  The lights dimmed and Nagisa could see each member of his class lined up in a random order.

"And we're here to help you." Said Kaede with possibly the biggest grin Nagisa had ever seen on her face. But this was different. This wasn't Kaede. This grin was evil. Malevolent. The most un-Kaede like grin he had ever come across. Yet she was there beaming with some sort of scheme, presumably to do with Nagisa, as a child about to open their favourite toy would.

"Help me? But how?" Nagisa exclaimed.

"Oh that's simple. In fact we've already told you. Or should I say, you told us." At that moment, Nagisa's wallet flew onto his lap, open, and there it revealed a picture of him from the island wearing the skirt and bare-shoulder top that Karma took on his phone. Nagisa had kept it. But he didn't keep it in the hopes of one day wearing it again, no.

"I kept it to remind myself of all the good times we had on that island in Okinawa, I didn't take any photos, and that was definitely the most memorable moment for me."

"Inspirational Nagisa. But we didn't knock you out and bind you to a chair to turn you into a girl."




"... Huh? What's wrong?"


"Calm down Nagisa... We had a reason for doing this."

"What would that be then?" Nagisa asked, now oblivious to the fact he'd just gone mental."

"Though we're not going to force you to undergo gender reassignment, we'd like to know what you truly prefer being. A boy or a girl?"

'Well a boy obviously.'

"A... B- B- Bo- B- B-"

"Boy? We weren't born yesterday Nagisa, and neither were you. Ask yourself the question, and answer it truthfully."

'Well, so far the benefits for being a boy outweigh that of a girl by about three to one. But I just can't break Yuuji's heart like that.'  Kaede saw Nagisa's troubled look and started towards him.

"Y'know if you don't decide now, we're going to make you a girl anyway." She said whilst brandishing a flick blade. Nagisa went pale, and almost died.

"Just kidding. But we'd like the answer now."

"Do- Do you have a coin?"

"Huh? To flip? Yeah, sure."

"Okay, heads I change to a girl, tails I stay as a boy."

"Alright Nagisa, if that's what you want, we won't stop you." The coin was flicked into the air. Every fraction of a second it took for it to ascend and descend for Nagisa was like a year. His future would be decided on the flip of a coin. Truth was, he enjoyed being a girl. It was great. Babysitting, tricking, screaming, crying, pretending to be scared. All acceptable. Though cleaning might not be his forté. But the truth was.

The coin landed.

He loved being a boy more.


THE FATE OF THE COIN WILL BE DECIDED ON THAT COMMENT SECTION BELOW. I WON'T POST AGAIN UNTIL I GET ONE COMMENT WISHING FOR THE RESULT OF THE COIN. Or I might just get bored and flip a coin to decide it anyway... I hope it doesn't come to that though. I want to give you guys a chance to get involved.    :)

Okay everyone, thanks for reading! It's weird, because I'm leaving a message for everyone in the future, but I'm not actually there at the moment you receive it haha! Someone could be reading this a year after this chapter was published and I'd have no idea. If that happens, I'll probably be writing on the iPad 239 Super lightweight air cloud with 20k graphics. Or a computer the size of an ant that was transplanted into my eye, and charged whenever I turned it off, or just wanted it to. I'm getting to deep into this... Anyway until next time! Which hasn't happened yet either...

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