Unpleasant Surprise

Start from the beginning

"What?" Gabriel asked in confusion, looked towards the younger angel.

As Cas closed his eyes tightly as he softly as he explained himself. His face looked pained as he said, "The last time me and Dean had sexual intercourse I open the condom with my teeth... what if it- what if I ripped a hole in it?" Cas choked in despair.

Dean moaned in horror. He knew exactly what Cas was talking about. Dean remembered struggling with the condom package so Cas had opened it for him. "That's just... fantastic..." Dean griped in defeat. That was probably exactly what had happened. How could Dean have been so careless? "This is just fucking perfect..."

As Dean complained, Gabriel and Sam finally managed to get him loose. Dean winced in pain as he flexed and stretched his wrist they were stiff and rubbed raw from being held in place for so long.

Dean took a deep breath to steady himself. Anger was obviously gonna him nowhere and if he didn't calm down soon he was gonna end up with a broken hand from punching something. In a strained voice Dean asked, "So, uh... Cas, how do we... I dunno reverse this..."

"I- uh... I don't know..." Cas said in a broken voice. "Something like this isn't exactly common..."

"Well what if I just get changed back into a dude? Problem solved right? Dudes can't have kids..." Dean pondered as he glanced over towards the three captured and bound witches sitting nearby.

"Yeah, well that wouldn't solve anything." One of the girls called to him. "It would just end up killing you instantly. You're right when you say guys can't have kids."

"So, if we change you back, the kid would still beside of you." The blonde, Nicole added.

"Well can't you like fucking zap the thing outta me first then change me back or something?" Dean demanded.

"Ha, no!" The dark haired girl laughed bitterly.

"Well why the hell not?" Dean spit.

"Because first of all, I'm not gonna kill some unborn kid. And second, this particular spell can only reverse the things we actually changed. Anything that you did to yourself, or with someone else might I say, stays the same. You cut yourself on a hunt as a girl; you will still have the cut when you're changed back. You do something stupid like get pregnant as a chick, you'd be pregnant as a guy and that just isn't possible so like we said, you'd die."

"Cassie, you do understand what this means right? Gabriel asked his brother softly.

"Yes Gabriel, I am fully aware of the severity of this situation." Cas mumbled in a flat expressionless tone.

The look on Castiel's face was blank and completely and void of all emotions. He looked almost scary.

In irritation Dean snapped, "Well Cas, do you care to elaborate for us non-angels."

Behind them, the witches gasped and hissed in protest at the word angel. "He's an angel?"

Dean turned towards them and glared at them. "Yeah he is. You have a problem with that? Does the word angel affect you the way Cristo affects demons? Are angels too pure for filth like you?"

"You slept with an angel?" One of them hissed, ignoring Dean's insults all together.

Dean smirked and said, "Why thank you, how kind of you to notice that Cas an angel. I though he was an angel the first time I laid my eyes on him too. Castiel is my beautiful angel. And by the way, to answer your question yeah he's kinda my boyfriend and we kinda fucked a few times."

"You have no idea what you've done. You should be sent straight to hell." The dark haired girl snarled.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before, but you see I've already been there, thanks though. Apparently I was too righteous for that dump anyways. I wasn't really a fan so my boyfriend busted me out." Dean told them with a smirk on his lips.

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