She looked around the deck, seeing the X-Men pushing the battle towards their favor as Kurt and Azazel teleported, constantly clashing swords. This fight was never going to end... She needed to find a way to finish it. What were those chains that they used to capture people? She moved into the lower decks towards he gun stations. Soul chains. They were hung up on the wall, heavy looking and glowing an ethereal blue.


Kurt attacked and defended, again and again. They'd fought all over the ship, from the mizzen mast to the bowsprit. They were equally matched. The strain of teleporting was taking its toll on both of them and for now they were just clashing swords, trying to find a weakness in the other. He saw Aurora coming towards them out of the corner of his eye carrying Azazel's soul chains. Just what he needed! She swung the chains and suddenly his father had two opponents. Kurt distracted him as she whipped the chains, they hit him in the neck and wrapped around.  His eyes went dull and he dropped unconscious.

That was it.

It was over.

He moved over to her and placed his hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips met. Of all his time in  heaven he'd never tasted something so divine as her lips, nor felt a feeling this real, this... alive... He felt her hands move, one into his hair, the other to grab the front of his shirt. Pulling her tighter against his body, his hand went to move from her hips, down-

The sound of Scott clearing his throat overly loudly broke the two apart and Kurt felt is cheeks burning. He looked over at Aurora who seemed just as embarrassed, suddenly finding the deck to be the most interesting thing in the universe. He smiled, she was so cute.

Turning back to the X-Men, he felt as though he should say something, anything.

"Miss me?" He grinned sheepishly 'Miss me? Seriously, how cheesy can you get.' The team laughed it off, gathering around him and telling them how much they all really did miss him. 


He'd kissed her... On the lips... She blushed, staring down at the boards of the deck; and with tongues... And, she liked it.

The X-Men were still fussing around their old team member and friend as she stood back to watch. He was so perfect... Did this mean that they were together? She hoped that it did, she wanted more of those kisses. Unexpectedly, she felt a sudden weight on her shoulder along with the smell of brimstone.

"Bamf?" Aurora smiled, her friend had found his way back to her. She lifted a hand to stroke his hair and he nuzzled against her.

And for a moment amidst all of the chaos in her life, everything was okay.


They only had a few more minutes before Azazel regained his consciousness and Kurt had explained what was going to happen to the X-Men, twice. The bamfs would return them to the institute through the portal then do exactly as they had planned to return himself and his father to the mortal world. They would then close the portal forever. Within the next few seconds the X-Men had gone, all but Aurora.

"Kurt..." He stopped her sentence with a quick kiss.

"Don't vorry, I'm doing zhis to protect zhe realms from mein fazher."

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