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"Listen, no matter what happens to you in this town, never forget who you are." I gave him a feeble nod while clinging to his shirt.

He pulled away and gave me a sad smile. "Give this town Hell, Echo." His thumbs gently wiped away the tears that soaked my cheeks.

"Please, you don't have to go! I-I can--"

"No, this is for the best." He gave me a tender kiss on my forehead, as if sealing our fate. No matter how hard I begged for him to stay, he only shook his head while giving me a sad smile.

"I dont have a choice in this matter. You'll understand when you're older. Life is too short to follow the rules, so make your own. Even if you're chained up somewhere, no on will ever be able to take your freedom because it's always here," His finger pointed to my chest. "and here." He then touched my forehead.

"Freedom is in your mind and heart, no one can take that away. Remember that." I gave him a nod of understanding. He shot me one last grin before ruffling my hair.

"Well," He stood up while looking over his shoulder at the man in black. "Let's get this show on the road."

He walked out the door, leaving me broken.

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