C h a p t e r 1

316 6 10

Jimin and Taehyung have been dating for almost a year now, and during that year they've had their ups and downs like every couple. But not every couple can overcome some of the circumstances they had, and just like that, a year had almost passed.
They were happy with how they were.
But Taehyung's best friend never approved of their relationship, no he didn't have a crush on him or Jimin. In fact, to him, his boyfriend was the best. But to him, something seemed off about Jimin and he didn't like that feeling, he didn't approve, but if his best friend was happy when he was gonna support him.

So one-day Taehyung was walking down the street to the café his best friend Jungkook worked at. While looking down at his phone he bumped into someone that was also on his phone. They both dropped their phones on impact. The person fell and Taehyung being the nice guy that he is helped the guy up.

"Hey, I'm so sorry. Oh, my goodness are you okay? "

"Yeah man, I'm fine. "

"Are you sure? Are you not hurting anywhere right? "

"Nah man I'm totally fine. How about you? You okay? "

"Totally fine, I didn't fall. ╯﹏╰"

"Ahh that's good to know, well sorry man, but I gotta get going or else I'll be late. Bye bye "

"Bye Bye "

That's how Taehyung and Yoongi 'met'. Not knowing that they would inevitably meet again because they had switched phones when they picked them up off the ground. Since the phones looked alike, they didn't pay them any mind and just went on to their destination.
Not looking back at the phone for safety purposes.

At the café.

"Hello my dear friend, would you like the usual? ^ω^"

"Yes, I would kind sirω"

"Hehe okay, one Iced Caramel Macchiato coming right up. "

"Thank you."

He paid his drink and went to sit down, till he got the signal from Jungkook that it was ready, there was a line so he only had to wait for a little over five minutes.
Jungkook went on break so he took Taehyung his coffee and one for himself. They started talking about whatever came to mind and they would tease each other from time to time about their boyfriends. They talked about how they didn't want to go back to school in a week. And how they had to have fun during the rest of their vacation or else they wouldn't have anything to talk about once they got back in school.

"Hey, Kookie... How are you and Jin doing nowadays? "

"Hmm? Really good, why? "

"Just cause, I haven't seen him around for a while... "

"Oh, it's cause he went to Jeju to visit his grandparents. Why do you wanna see him? Are you in love with him?! :O"

"Yes Kookie it's true, I'm sorry you had to find out this way≧∇≦ "

They both just laugh it off cause Jungkook knew it wasn't true, and Taehyung would never like Jin that way.

"But really, why do you wanna know? "

"Cause I need to talk to him about something. It's important, so yeah, but I guess I can wait a while longer. "

"I thought I was your Best Friend, not my boyfriend (¬_¬)"

"Hehe Kookie you are my best friend, that's why I can't tell you, plus if he does help me out he'll most probably tell you sooner or later. "

"ah okay, well as long as I find out (╯▽╰) hehe "

"Jungkook, your break is over! "

"Okay!... Hey Taetae, I gotta get back to work, I'll talk to you later okay? :)"

"Yeah yeah, go to work already, hehe I'll see you tomorrow. "

And with that Jungkook got back to work, and Taehyung left to help out at his cousins' music store.

At the music store

He liked it there cause there was music he liked, and he could also help people out with anything music related. He was good at it, he got paid to be there, but he would always just say that he was helping out because to him, it didn't feel like he was working. Namjoon came out from the back with some honey buns and gave one to Taehyung.

"Here. "

"Oh thank you hyung "

"You're so cute Tae " *pinches his cheeks*

"Ahh!! Hyung that hurts!!! (3)"

"Haha I know xD *stops* but I love doing that ¯\_()_/¯"

*rubs his cheeks* "I know you do, but I hate it... "

"Okay okay, I'll stop _"

"You don't have to stop, just don't do it so much hehe "

"Alright, *kisses cheek* I'll do it later xD hahaha"

"Hyung!!! ~"

"Hahahaha" *walks back to the back*

A few hours later *ring~*

"Hello, welcome to Bang Bang Music, how may I help you?

Oh, it's you! (: "

"Oh yeah, hey man.. You work here? "

".........Something like that (:"

"??...... Anyway, do you have any good quality headphones and microphone?"

"Of course, all your music needs you can find here. ω...follow me.

Here it is. "

"Hmm, I haven't really paid attention lately, which ones are the best? What do you recommend? "

"Mmm let me see... I have these headphones and they're great, I really love them and they last a long time, I've had mine for over six months already and I leave them everywhere and they still work like I just bought them... So, great quality. My cousin has this microphone, and he says it works wonders hehe. I've used it before too and my opinion, it's really good and I recommend both. "

Taehyung smiles and turns towards Yoongi, catching him staring at him. Yoongi, on the other hand, got kind of embarrassed, so he looked down before regaining his composure and looking back up seconds later.

"Yeah, I'll take 'em."

"Okay then, come to the counter and I'll ring you up. "

And with that, they had their second 'meeting'.
Yoongi decided he liked Taehyung's smile, cause it made it hard to remember all the bad things that happened that day.

Taehyung thought that Yoongi getting embarrassed when he caught him staring was cute, it made him feel like even he could do something unexpected.

So that's exactly what he did.
That's how Taehyung and Yoongi's lives started changing a bit.

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