Ripple Effect

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He made his way down the beach until the water almost touched his shoes. He peeled off his hoodie. He realized suddenly it wasn't even his, it was Mark's. His shaking hand reached into the hoodie pocket, touching the piece of paper he had put there. He felt tears form in his eyes, but he shook them away. He took off his shoes, setting them beside the hoodie, and began to wade into the water. Soon he was swimming to keep afloat, the water was very deep here. He inhaled sharply, then exhaled slowly. He closed his eyes, and began to sink under the water. The thoughts and anxieties in his head seemed to help him down faster. Soon he was touching the bottom. He felt like he was being crushed.

While seconds ago he had been ready to do this, an alarming thought formed in his head. I can't do this. His eyes snapped open, the water stinging them. He felt something he hadn't felt in months. The desire to live. He made his way up, panic and adrenaline surging through his body. He gasped for air at the top, weakly making his way to the shore. His head rested in the sand. His eyes stung and his nose burned. He continued to gasp for air as he wondered, What happened? He touched Mark's hoodie. It still smelled like Mark. It was comfort. He sat up, taking the note he'd written and tearing it into thousands of pieces, and letting the waves destroy the paper and his hopeless words. Next he threw Mark's hoodie into the water.

"Fuck you," he whispered, "Fuck you for making me feel worthless." He traced their names in the sand. Aaron. Tyler. Dan. Danny. Everyone Mark had cheated with. "I should've known sooner that I didn't have all of your love, you always coming home so late, never meeting my eyes. But I didn't want to believe it Mark, at first you seemed like someone I could trust. You were so nice and genuine, but I was just another name on the list," he said to no one in particular. "Do you even know where I am? Or are you off fucking someone else?" he yelled to the sky. The night sky said nothing in reply, but he could assume the answer was yes. He put on his shoes, racing back to his car. He slid into the drivers seat. He started the car, and began heading back to Mark's apartment, his home for almost a year. The car's clock read 2 A.M. He had to get out of here. He didn't want to stay in America anymore. He was leaving as soon as possible.

He pulled into the driveway, getting out of the car, key in his pocket. He didn't know where exactly he was going but he wasn't going to put up with Mark's shit anymore. What he didn't expect was to see Mark pacing the living room, biting his lip, worry painted on his face. They met eyes. "I-I found your note, I was so worried-"

"Yeah, so worried you went looking for me," Jack said sarcastically.

"Why are you soaked?" Mark asked, touching Jack's shoulder. Jack immediately pulled away.

"Did you really read the fucking note?" Jack responded, crossing his arms.


"You're not the Mark I fell in love with. What changed?" Jack said, starting to tear up.

"I didn't change-"

"-There you go, denying it," Jack exclaimed, "And I don't want to make this work anymore. You're bringing me down Mark, so I'm leaving."

"What? But-"

"I know you've been sleeping with all kinds of guys," he said, tears falling down his face, "Do you know how you've been doing to me? I kept telling myself it was a one time thing, that you just had moment of weakness, but apparently I'm not good enough."

"That's not true, I don't know what you're referring to, I haven't been-"

"Now you're lying to me? Don't even fucking deny it Fischbach, you're not as sly as you think you are," Jack snapped, "Now excuse me, I need to pack my things."

"Wait, we can work this out," Mark said, reaching out again.

"No we can't," Jack responded, making his way to the room they had shared. "It's too late for that."

"Please, I'm sorry," Mark said.

"No you're not, you enjoyed every second with those men, and now I'm just making it easier for you to get to them," Jack said, sobbing, "So just let me be."


"Don't fucking say my name," he hissed, slamming the bedroom door shut.


"Don't fucking talk to me!" He yelled, face red and hot with tears and sobbing. Mark stood on the other side. He sat down, leaning his head against the door. The longest five minutes of his life passed, and he had to break the silence.

"I'm s-sorry, ok-okay? I d-don't know what has g-gotten int-to me. I really d-don't know why I pushed you t-to the side okay? You're right, I have changed, and I don't like it. I need your help. Please talk to me," Mark sobbed.

Jack spoke from the other side, quiet, "I really want to believe you. But this isn't the first time you've lied to me Mark."

"Please, given me a second chance," he whispered.

"Mark I've already given you a second chance. And a third and fourth...I'm always forgiving you. I need to put myself first for once," Jack said, voice raising as he spoke.

"Please, you can have all of my love," Mark said.

"That's not true. You can't love me. You've already proven that, over and over," Jack whispered, "I mean nothing to you."

"You mean everything to me! I love you!" Mark cried.

"No you don't," Jack said, opening the door, two suitcases packed, and dragging them behind him. "I'm leaving. Good-bye, Mark."

"Please! Don't leave me!" Mark whispered.

Jack turned, eyes unfamiliarly cold. "Pathetic," he hissed, heading out the front door and slamming it behind him, leaving Mark in shocked silence.

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