The Swings

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Side by side, going higher and higher each time. Jack had come back to the place he'd lived since he was 14. Before college. The place where he met his best-friend. A brown-eyed YouTuber who goes by Markiplier these days. "It feels good to be back...To think, just a few years ago we were on these same swings talking about college and the future..." Jack said. 

"Did it work out the way you thought it would?" Mark asked.

"Well, back then, you know, I was dating her," Jack replied, recalling his freshman partner. "It was like...She barely knew me..." After a bit of silence Jack continued, "Anyways...I guess it's all gone to plan. I've got my audio degree. I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with it, but I've got it."

"You could help me with my YouTube audio," Mark said, shrugging. 

"But that isn't going to pay any bills," Jack said, thinking of the crummy apartment he was thinking of moving into. He was staying with his parents for the summer and that was supposed to be it. According to The Plan. 

"You can stay with me. I'm more popular online than you think," Mark said. Jack smiled. The pair continued to swing, in silence. That was until Mark made a comment, "There was this thing in grade school, I don't know if they did it in Ireland, but if we were in grade school we'd be considered married by now, because we're swinging side by side, same pace." Jack's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"That wouldn't bother me," he said. Mark looked a little surprised. 

"L-Look, I don't know how serious you are right now, but...While you were gone, I realized... Jack, I l-like you. Like-like," Mark said, blushing furiously and wording things like he was still a teenager. Jack was surprised.

"M-Mark, I-"

"I stepped over the line didn't I?" Mark said, his swing suddenly slowing.

"No. I...I feel the same way," Jack said. Somehow they'd both stopped swinging, their swings frozen next to each other.

"Would it be appropriate for me to ask you out?" Mark asked, rising from the swing. Jack didn't say anything, just threw himself onto Mark, hugging him tightly.

"Well you know the answer's going to be yes," Jack whispered into Mark's ear.

"I do now, b-boyfriend," Mark said.

"I like that title. Makes me feel precious," Jack said, releasing Mark. "You know, I didn't want to tell anyone, but I was awfully lonely away at college. I... I couldn't stop thinking about you and how you've always been there for me. But promise me no matter what we'll always be best friends."

"Of course I promise," Mark responded cheerfully. Not only was today the first time he'd seen his best friend in almost two years it was they day they started dating. He could already see a beautiful future for two ahead of him, all because of a swing set. 

They left the park, hand in hand, walking back to Jack's parent's house. 

PrOmPt fOuNd HeRe:

Honestly I've never heard of children doing that but it was too cute to pass up. :P

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