So Close

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A/N This one's a bit shorter...sorry about that. I'm going to try posting daily psbtw, but I'm going to be very busy for the most part... This is my July challenge for myself I guess...

He felt numb. There was no other way to explain the emptiness he felt. He missed the way his love moved, the way he talked, everything about him. All he could do was lay in Mark's bed and stare at the ceiling. The tears had dried up long ago. Jack had done hardly anything since Mark died. He hadn't even eaten in a few days. Or maybe it'd been a few weeks. He didn't know anymore. Everything was slow and mushed together. He didn't want to do anything. But he had to pack up his things. He needed to get ready to leave. He would be going back to his home country. Mark's apartment would be vacant of smiles and laughter and would bare no resemblance of how it used to be. Or maybe someone as wonderful as Mark would move in. 'Not likely,' a voice in his head chimed in. He shook it away. He turned over, looking at Mark's things. He picked up Mark's favorite jacket. He inhaled the sweet scent that was markiplier. Suddenly he heard a small thunk as something hit the floor. A box. A black box. "No," Jack said out-loud, his voice hoarse from disuse. "No. Don't be what I think you are..." He opened the little box. Sure enough inside was a ring. It was beautiful. Mark was going to propose to him. They could've gotten married. They could have had long beautiful long life together. They were so close

A pair of eyes that had been watching for the whole six days Jack had been there blinked sadly. Ghosts can't cry. One of the worst things to be robbed of. Crying, such a human detail Mark missed already. He watched his boyfriend sob, holding the box close to his heart. "Don't...Don't cry," Mark called out hopelessly. He knew Jack couldn't hear him. It was breaking his heart to see him like this. This wasn't a state he had ever wanted to see his lover in. He longed to hold his hand again. To tell him he loved him again. He remembered that last morning... He had almost said it. Why didn't he? Why didn't he do something that simple? Maybe that would've altered the time-line. Maybe he wouldn't have died, and he'd still be there for his boyfriend...But, he told himself, I can't dwell in the past. I can't. "Jack," he whispered. The sobbing paused. Had...Had he heard him somehow? "You have to move on."

"Mark?" he cried out, "Where are you?"

"Shh. I'm right beside you," Mark whispered. 

"But...You're dead," Jack said.

"I'm a ghost. And yes. I'm dead. Which is why you must move on. Forget about me. Find someone else," Mark said.

"But...But I love you so much."

"I know, which is why you must let me go," Mark said. If he could've, he would've been crying. "Good-bye."

"No! Don't leave me again! Please!" Jack cried out into the empty room. He threw the ring down, and left the room. Mark watched, unable to speak to him any longer. The connection had been cut. Mark followed him, wondering where exactly he was going. He found him on the balcony, staring longingly at people down below. We had sat up there a lot. Drinking coffee. Every morning. It had been one of the things we just did. Jack's finger ran along the dust on the table. He had drawn a frowning face. He wiped it away angrily. "What do I do?" he whispered. Mark felt himself fading away. 

What's next? Am I going to heaven? Am I being reincarnated? Where am I going?

To him, seconds later, he opened his eyes, and took in a sharp breath. He couldn't remember a thing, but the crying man in front of him looked oddly familiar. He was handed to this man, and the pair left the big scary building a bit later for some small apartment. He was put in a crib, and tucked in blankets. 

Time flew by and soon the little boy was old enough to run around. His daddy always seemed distant, but caring enough. The boy didn't know yet that he wasn't supposed to happen. All he knew was that his eyes were unique. One blue, one brown. He didn't know what it meant. He didn't know who he was. But somehow Jack did. He knew exactly who he was.


prompt found here:

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