Sorry/ 7 mins

225 11 35

Splendor: So sorry I didn't update. My admin that posts this got a new phone. Hi Hannah! *blushes furiously* oh not my daughter Hannah a different my age Hannah. Ok here we go!
EcthedBlade: I dare everyone to play 7 mins in heaven.
Slender: Ok we are not going to read off every detail that's going on in the closet so. Splendy give me da hat...
-alright so everyone's here now-
Splendor: *reaches hat out to Ecthed* You go first my dear!
Ecthed: *reaches in to find a small bottle with a pixie inside*
Ben: Oh that's mine...
-time skip-
Splendor: TIMES UP!!! Get your cloths back on and look presentable!!
-bens covered in kisses-
Adair: *reaches in to find a pair of glasses*
Trender: Hehe those are mine
-time skip-
Splendor: TIMES UP!!
-they both come out looking normal-
Slender: So what happened in there?!
Trender: None of your concern
-Time skip-
Jacaline: *pulls out a rose*
Offender: let's go~
-time skip-
Splendor: I herd giggles in there. What did you dooo?
Offender: Hehe, we might just have twins~
-time skip-
Savannah: *pulls out a red tie* -gasp- Slender is this yours?!
Slender: uhhh
Masky: I will let you kiss her once ok?!
Slender: a-alright
-time skip-
Slender: I just did it once...
-time skip-
CreepyDoll: *Pulls out a pair of goggles*
Ticcy Toby: Those are mine!!!
-time skip-
Toby: So, am I a good kisser!?!?!
-time skip-
Duncan: *pulls out a small piece of paper with a frown on it*
Hoodie: mine
-time skip-
Hoodie: You a r-really good k-kisser Duncan *blushes*
-Time skip-
Slender: *takes the hat away from Splendy* Your turn Splendor!
Splendor: But I don't want to play!
Slender: Too bad!
Splendor: oh fine *pulls out a tiny Hypno toy*
Admin/Hannah: *not Splendys daughter!* Mine
Everyone: Admin?!
Admin/Hannah: Well Ecthed said everyone has to play so come on Splendy!
Splendy: *a little overjoyed*
-time skip-
Slender: WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?
Splendor: *faints*
Admin/Hannah: Haha! Aww

Ask or Dare/Role Play w/ Slender Family ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now